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Account creation user experience/Status

From mediawiki.org



email field


wpEmail sometimes doesn't appear in munged ul ?

BUG: username and e-mail fields don't pick up the oversize height: 30px sizing. I think this is because in the original table, they don't have type=text; this may be because in wgHtml5 mode, the HTML::input() method drops default attributes like 'input="text"'!

FIXED: mention the specific ids for username and e-mail.


Firefox with Firebug messes up cookies. Reassigns cookie each time. After clicking [Create account] on first page display, the second page display request header includes:

userbuckets=%7B%22PEF%22%3A%5B%22experimental_1%22%2C1%5D%7D; userbuckets=%7B%22PEF%22%3A%5B%22experimental_1%22%2C1%5D%2C%22ACUX%22%3A%5B%22control%22%2C1%5D%7D;

Note: two userbuckets! Happens on cube as well as localhost.

Testing issues


The experiment only takes place for anonymous users.

But if you log out and then reload, sometimes you won't see the e-mail field and will see a "Real name" field. This seems to be some interaction with the cookie wiki_session; or possibly the other cookies wikiUserName, wikiUserID, or wikiLoggedOut=timestamp