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API:Fehler und Warnungen

From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page API:Errors and warnings and the translation is 25% complete.

Wenn bei einer API-Abfrage etwas schief geht, wird ein Fehler oder eine Warnung ausgegeben (obwohl die HTTP-Antwort normalerweise trotzdem 200 OK ist). Bei nicht schwerwiegenden Bedingungen wie ungĂŒltigen Parametern werden Warnungen ausgegeben, wĂ€hrend Fehler nur bei schwerwiegenden Bedingungen ausgegeben werden.


Warnungen werden nach dem Namen des Moduls gruppiert, das sie verursacht hat. Mehrere Warnungen desselben Moduls werden durch eine neue Zeile getrennt. Im Legacy-Modus der Fehlerformatierung (siehe unten), welcher der Standard ist, werden Warnungen im folgenden Format ausgegeben:

"warnings": {
    "modulename": {
      "*": "warning text"

(* wird durch warnings ersetzt, wenn formatversion=2 genutzt wird.)

Wenn eine Nicht-Legacy-Option zur Fehlerformatierung genutzt wird, werden Warnungen im selben Format ausgegeben wie Fehler. Mit errorformat=wikitext ist das Format beispielsweise:

"warnings": [
        "code": "warning message key",
        "*": "text of warning",
        "module": "API module which caused the warning"

(* will be replaced with text when formatversion=2 is used.)


Typ Beschreibung Warnmeldung(en)
Disabled submodule The action=query submodule has been disabled in the wiki. To check if a module is available before invoking it, see How do I check if an API module is available? in the FAQ. The submodulename module has been disabled.
Missing submodule The list, prop or meta submodule is not present in the wiki, for example if it is implemented by an extension that isn't loaded. Unrecognized value for parameter list=submodule.
Parameter validation Warnings thrown when validating parameters of any API module. paramname is replaced by the name of the parameter.
  • Too many values supplied for parameter paramname: the limit is limit.
  • Unrecognized value for parameter paramname: value.
  • Unrecognized values for parameter paramname: value1, value2, value3


Error formats

Since MediaWiki 1.29 errors are localizable, and available in multiple formats. An error (or warning) is expected to consist of a message, an error code (an arbitrary string, usually generated from the message key; see also #Standard error messages below), and optional extra data (an associative array). An API response with errors will look like this:

    "errors": [
            "code": "error-code",
            /* ...error message..., */
            "data": [ /* ...any extra data... */ ],
            "module": "path to the API module that generated the error"
        /* ...more errors... */
    "docref": "human-readable message on where to find help"

The data key in the output above will be missing if there is no extra data to display.

The way the error message in the output above is returned to the client is controlled by the errorformat API parameter. The various error formats available are:

Format Description Output
html Intended for human display in HTML-capable clients. MediaWiki will ensure that the HTML is safe; it is just as trustworthy as article content (both are parsed Wikitext).
    "html": "the message, interpreted as wikitext and parsed into HTML"
    "text": "the message as-is, with parameter substitution but without any parsing"
plaintext Intended for human display in HTML-incapable clients. Plaintext conversion is a minimal, best-effort transformation to make the message (assumed to contain wikitext) more readable: tags are removed, HTML entities are replaced, certain HTML tags are intelligently replaced with punctuation.
    "text": "the message, like wikitext, but with added plaintext conversion"
raw Intended as a machine-readable format (note that the error key is more unique than the error code). Parameters can themselves be objects with key and params fields.
    "key": "message key",
    "params": [ /* ...message parameters... */ ]
none No message information at all.
bc The default, for backward compatibility. There’s no point in specifying this value, use one of the non-legacy formats instead. See #Legacy format

For the formatting modes which involve message lookup (html, wikitext and plaintext) the API parameter errorlang can be used to set the language (only needed when different from the content language) and errorsuselocal to set whether the MediaWiki: namespace can be used to override default error messages.

Error codes are also returned in the MediaWiki-API-Error response HTTP header, separated by commas when there are multiple errors.

For an example error response or to test your client's error handling, visit https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=blah&errorformat=plaintext&format=jsonfm&formatversion=2

API responses can contain multiple errors. For an example, try adding the lines the abusefilter will block this and the abusefilter will also block this to a Test Wikipedia page as API sandbox (if you are logged in, go to the action=edit tab and click Den Token automatisch ausfĂŒllen first before making the request).

When errorformat is not set (or set to bc), errors will be displayed in the legacy format instead.

Legacy format

In the legacy error format, there is always at most one error; additional ones are discarded. The response looks like this:

    "error": {
        "code": "error-code",
        "info": "the message as-is, with parameter substitution but without any parsing",
        /* ...any extra data... */

The extra data in the output above is spliced into the object instead of being under the data key.

Error messages in documentation

Error messages are documented in this wiki as shown below, which corresponds to the json error response in #Legacy format above:

Code Info
errorcode error message

The various error messages are:

Type Description Error message(s)
Code Info
Disabled module The action module has been disabled in the wiki. To check if a module is available before invoking it, see How do I check if an API module is available? in the FAQ. moduledisabled The modulename module has been disabled.
Missing module The action module is not present in the wiki, for example if it is implemented by an extension that isn't loaded unknown_action Unrecognized value for parameter action: modulename.
Parameter validation Errors thrown when validating parameters of any API module. paramname is replaced by the name of the parameter. multival_paramname Only one of 'value1', 'value2', 'value3' is allowed for parameter 'paramname'
unknown_paramname Unrecognized value for parameter paramname: value.
paramname paramname may not be less than min (set to value).
paramname paramname may not be over max (set to value) for bots or sysops.
paramname paramname may not be over max (set to value) for users.
badtimestamp_paramname Invalid value "value" for timestamp parameter paramname.
baduser_paramname Invalid value "value" for user parameter paramname.
invalidparammix The parameters param1, param2, param3 cannot be used together
missingparam One of the parameters param1, param2, param3 is required
_badcontinue Invalid continue param. You should pass the original value returned by the previous query


Einige generische Fehlermeldungen werden von den Modulen gemeinsam genutzt. Wenn ein Modul diese Fehler ausgeben kann, wird dies ausdrĂŒcklich im AbschnittMögliche Fehler erwĂ€hnt.

Code Information
unknownerror Unbekannter Fehler: Dies bedeutet normalerweise, dass etwas VerrĂŒcktes wie eine seltene AusfĂŒhrungsbedingung aufgetreten ist. Wenn du diesen Fehler erhĂ€ltst, wiederhole deine Anfrage, bis sie erfolgreich ist oder eine informativere Fehlermeldung zurĂŒckgibt
unknownerror Unbekannter Fehler: „Fehlercode“.
unknownerror-nocode Unbekannter Fehler.
unsupportednamespace Pages in the Special namespace can't be edited
protectednamespace-interface You're not allowed to edit interface messages
protectednamespace You're not allowed to edit pages in the "namespace" namespace
customcssjsprotected You're not allowed to edit custom CSS and JavaScript pages
cascadeprotected Diese Seite ist fĂŒr die Bearbeitung gesperrt. Sie ist in die folgenden Seiten eingebunden, die mittels der Kaskadensperroption geschĂŒtzt sind:

Liste von kaskadierend geschĂŒtzten Seiten

protectedpage The "right" right is required to edit this page
permissiondenied Der Zugriff wurde verweigert.
confirmemail Du musst deine E-Mail-Adresse erst bestĂ€tigen, bevor du Bearbeitungen durchfĂŒhren kannst. Bitte ergĂ€nze und bestĂ€tige deine E-Mail in den Einstellungen.
blocked You have been blocked from editing
autoblocked Your IP address has been blocked automatically, because it was used by a blocked user
ratelimited You've exceeded your rate limit. Please wait some time and try again
readonly The wiki is currently in read-only mode
badtoken Invalid token (did you remember to urlencode it?)
missingtitle The page you requested doesn't exist
mustbeposted Type of your HTTP request message must be POST
hookaborted The modification you tried to make was aborted by an extension hook
nosuchpageid There is no page with ID id
nosuchrevid There is no revision with ID id
nosuchrcid There is no change with rcid "id"
nosuchuser The user you specified doesn't exist
invalidtitle Bad title "title"
invaliduser Invalid username "username"
assertbotfailed "assert=bot" has been used, but logged in user is not a bot
assertuserfailed "assert=user" has been used, but user is not logged in
readapidenied You need read permission to use this module
noapiwrite Editing of this wiki through the API is disabled. Make sure the $wgEnableWriteAPI=true; statement is included in the wiki's LocalSettings.php file

ZusÀtzliche Anmerkungen

  • Alle oben genannten Ausgaben von Fehlern und Warnungen nutzen format=json&formatversion=2. FĂŒr formatversion=1 wird das Feld docref durch * ersetzt.