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API:Edit/Editing with Ajax

From mediawiki.org



Editing via Ajax


Below is sample code for editing a page via an Ajax request:

function addNewSection( summary, content, editToken ) {
        url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
        data: {
            format: 'json',
            action: 'edit',
            title: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
            section: 'new',
            summary: summary,
            text: content,
            token: editToken
        dataType: 'json',
        type: 'POST',
        success: function( data ) {
            if ( data && data.edit && data.edit.result == 'Success' ) {
                window.location.reload(); // reload page if edit was successful
            } else if ( data && data.error ) {
                alert( 'Error: API returned error code "' + data.error.code + '": ' + data.error.info );
            } else {
                alert( 'Error: Unknown result from API.' );
        error: function( xhr ) {
            alert( 'Error: Request failed.' );

You can also use the mw.Api object:

var api = new mw.Api();

function addNewSection( summary, content ) {
	api.postWithToken( "edit", {
		action: "edit",
		title: mw.config.get( "wgPageName" ),
		section: "new",
		summary: summary,
		text: content
	} ).done( function( result, jqXHR ) {
		mw.log( "Saved successfully" );
	} ).fail( function( code, result ) {
		if ( code === "http" ) {
			mw.log( "HTTP error: " + result.textStatus ); // result.xhr contains the jqXHR object
		} else if ( code === "ok-but-empty" ) {
			mw.log( "Got an empty response from the server" );
		} else {
			mw.log( "API error: " + code );
	} );

Remember to make sure the mediawiki.api.edit module is loaded when using this methodology.