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Fundraising tech/FR-tech Meetings

From mediawiki.org

The following are the most common meetings for FR-tech team members.

Retrospective and Sprint Planning


Attendees: Entire Scrum Team

Frequency: Every 2 weeks

Retrospective Agenda: Open discussion about what worked and what needs improvement

Length: 30 minutes

Sprint Planning Agenda:

  1. Check if anything in the last sprint needs to be resolved, totally re-prioritized or adjusted
  2. Product Owner introduced and goals and tasks for the next sprint
  3. As each task is discussed, the engineering team must agree to accept a task. When accepted, it moves into the "Current Sprint" column.
  4. Once the entire team agrees to a stopping point, the tasks are bulk added to the next sprint board.
  5. The team then moves to an etherpad to vote for a name for the new sprint. A name is chosen and an image is selected from commons.

Text in the invite of this meeting:

etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/fundraising_shrimp How to not hate phabricator during this meeting:

  1. Look at current sprint, make sure is up to date. Drop things if appropriate.
  2. Look at #fundraising-backlog
  3. David talks about goal for upcoming sprint and walks through new proposed items
  4. Team discusses items from top to bottom, pulls in the ones they want to commit to
  5. Batch edit "current sprint" column (open only) to new sprint
  6. Team moves tasks to appropriate status column
  7. Choose sprint name
  8. Total world domination.
  9. ??
  10. Profit

Daily Stand Up (AKA "FR Tech daily autopsy")


Attendees: Entire Scrum Team

Frequency: Every weekday

Length: ~15 minutes

Agenda: Each team member covers the 3 questions in reverse order of arriving at meeting

  1. Do you have any blockers?
  2. What are you going to do today?
  3. What did you do since we last met?

note: the invite is for 30 minutes. We usually just chat about non-work stuff for the remainder of the meeting.

Backlog Refinement


Attendees: Entire Scrum Team

Frequency: Weekly

Length: 60 minutes

Retrospective Agenda: Prioritize and estimate upcoming work. This is time boxed and is a speedy meeting.

Text in the invite of this meeting:
Agenda: Prioritize and estimate upcoming work. This is time boxed and is a speedy meeting. We'll just see how far we get each meeting. 1.) Start with the next 3 sprints 2.) Address any other high priority tasks/topics (has a conversation made its way from email to task?) 3.) Attempt to zero out analysis column

Rules for estimating:

  • Estimate is not commitment
  • Estimates can change
  • Larger numbers indicate complexity and/or unknowns
  • Team member most familiar with code goes last

Cheat sheet for larger named sizes:

Fundraising tech/Estimation Cheat Sheet