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Procédure à suivre pour placer une nouvelle extension sur Gerrit

Dereckson (talkcontribs)


J'ai vu que tu as commit 2 nouvelles extensions dans mediawiki/extensions.

Ce dépôt git est un méta-dépôt contenant les autres extensions, qui elles, ont chacun leur dépôt Git individuel.

Tu peux demander ici tes deux nouveaux dépôts, un par extension : Git/New repositories.

Cela te donnera par la même occasion le contrôle complet sur ton code.

Si tu as besoin d'aide, je me ferai un plaisir de te renseigner.

Thibaultmarin (talkcontribs)

Ok, j'ai soumis les demandes. Desole pour les mauvais commits, je n'etais pas sur de la demarche a suivre.

Merci de ton aide.

Reply to "Procédure à suivre pour placer une nouvelle extension sur Gerrit"
Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Heiya Thibaultmarin, I just realised that you moved the code of you extension into SVN. However, a switch to Git was done in the meantime. Thus I suggest to move it there in order to get e.g. I18n support for your extension. Working with Git is quite easy so I suggest you go for it. :) Cheers

Thibaultmarin (talkcontribs)


I thought that might happen, but never really got time to fix it. Thanks for following up.

I can't seem to connect or reset my password on the password change page, so I have just requested a Git account from the access page. Hope it's the right way to proceed.


Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Hi, I think that this was the right way to do it, since there is no automatism from SVN to Git. Great to hear that you continue developing here. Cheers

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