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Manual:Running MediaWiki on Mandriva

From mediawiki.org

Quick Installation on Mandrake 10 Official (note : It works as well for Mandriva 2006.)

Using packages from Mandriva contrib (2006.0 or later)[edit]

MediaWiki was added to the contrib section of Mandriva in April 2005, or somewhere before the release of 2006.0.

Installing mediawiki should be a matter of adding a contrib medium and running:

> urpmi mediawiki

This will pull in all the requirements for running the frontend. If you will be running the database server on the same host, install MySQL as well:

> urpmi MySQL

You should be able to access the configuration page at http://localhost/mediawiki or similar.

Note that packages in contrib don't get security updates via the official updates medium, you are advised to add a community contrib medium, and be aware that security updates for contrib may be a bit slower than official packages, and you may want to notify the maintainer if a security update is required.

Manual Installation[edit]

This is a short description and protocol of my installation.

Installed Packages[edit]

  • apache2-2.0.48-6.2.100
  • apache2-mod_php-2.0.48_4.3.4-1
  • php-mysql-4.3.4-1
  • php-iconv-4.3.4-1
  • php-apc-4.3.4_2.0
  • php-xml-4.3.4-1
  • MySQL 4.0.18-1.1.100
  • ImageMagick
  • zlib should be already installed

Download mediawiki-1.x.x.tar.gz and extract to /var/www/html and rename the base directory :

>mv mediawiki-1.x.x wiki

A Mandriva package « mediawiki » exists; install it with # urpmi mediawiki ; then just do # cd /var/www/html/ and # mv mediawiki wiki


If you haven't yet configured the mysql database, you should at least set the passwords.

New installation[edit]

Setting password for default accounts.

>mysql -u root
SET PASSWORD FOR ''@'localhost' = PASSWORD('xxx');
SET PASSWORD FOR ''@'hostname' = PASSWORD('xxx');
SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('xxx');
SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'hostname' = PASSWORD('xxx');

Replace hostname with your REAL name and xxx with your password.

For information on accounts, type:

SELECT host, user from mysql.user;

Create Database[edit]

USE mysql;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wikidb.* to 'wikiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password' WITH GRANT OPTION;

Replace your_password with your own password. Maybe less privileges can be granted, but I didn't find any documentation concerning this.

For a list of databases


LocalSettings.php will be created in this directory and therefore write rights are necessary.

chmod ugo+w /var/www/html/wiki/config

Browse to http://localhost/wiki/config/index.php and fill in all necessary information. Copy the result.

cp /var/www/html/wiki/config/LocalSettings.php /var/www/html/wiki

Remove all right from config directory.

chmod 000 /var/www/html/wiki/config

Browse to your wiki http://localhost/wiki/index.php. Create your own user. Afterwards grant admin rights to your user with Replace "own_user" with your username created on the wiki site:

UPDATE user set user_rights='sysop' where user_name='own_user'

Enable Upload[edit]

Add write right to the images directory:

chmod ugo+w /var/www/html/wiki/images

In /var/www/html/wiki/LocalSettings.php uncomment

$wgDisableUploads= false;

I updated recently to version 1.3.1. No problems.


  • make backup of database and files
  • remove all files, except the images directory
  • extract the new version
  • go to web-installer (use the same encoding, otherwise your umlaute are lost)
  • copy LocalSettings.php and change settings like above.

READY! Mikegr 22:25, 20 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Update and fix for "No XML" message[edit]

I'm using Mandrake 10 community and all the versions listed above match what I have. I followed these instructions but hit a stumbling block when loading the initial config page (http://localhost/wiki/config/index.php) the page loaded but said I had no XML installed. I fired up urpmi and got php-xml but got the same message, even after restarting Apache and going as far as rebooting. I tracked things down and finally had to:

  1. rm the /etc/php dir (which was empty), and
  2. make a symlink to the /etc/php.d dir (which had the extension modules in it)

I then restarted Apache and everything worked fine from there.