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Differences between Wikipedia, Wikimedia, MediaWiki, and wiki/mk

кратенки: Wikimedia  Wikimpedia  Wikipmedia
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This page is a translated version of the page Differences between Wikipedia, Wikimedia, MediaWiki, and wiki and the translation is 22% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
See also: Manual:FAQ#How do I install an existing wiki, like Wikipedia or Wiktionary?
Still lost? Check the World of Wikipedia map.

Confused about the differences between MediaWiki, Wikimedia, Wikipedia and wiki?


The word "wiki", pronounced /ˈwɪki/ or WIK-ee, is a Hawaiian word meaning "quick".

A wiki is a type of website whose contents can be edited from the web browser, and which keeps a version history for each editable page. Wikis are often, but not always, editable by any visitor to the site.

  • wiki (as an adjective), "the wiki way", and the antonym un-wiki are also used to describe the community-oriented philosophy that goes with such a system (e.g. "that's not a very wiki way of doing things").
  • Wiki (with a capital 'W') is an incorrect term, although it has sometimes been used to refer to either Wikipedia or the Portland Pattern Repository (also known as WikiWikiWeb), which was the first wiki to be created.
  • wiki software and wiki engine are terms referring to pieces of software that power wiki websites. There are many types of wiki software; some very simple, others with advanced features.

For a more complete description, see Wikipedia's entry on "wiki".


Wikimedia is the collective name for the Wikimedia movement, revolving around a group of inter-related projects, including Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikiquote and others, which aim to use the collaborative power of the Internet, and the wiki concept, to create and share free knowledge of all kinds.

  • The term Wikimedia servers is often used, referring to the computer hardware on which all Wikimedia projects are hosted.
  • Wikimedia Foundation is a non-profit organization headquartered in San Francisco that runs the Wikimedia projects and the MediaWiki software.

Wikimedia Deutschland, Wikimedia Russia etc. are the names of dozens of local chapters of enthusiasts of Wikimedia projects. They are independent of the Wikimedia Foundation and the Wikimedia projects. Wikimedia, depending on the context and locale, is often incorrectly used as a short name for the Wikimedia projects, or a chapter, or the Wikimedia Foundation (the latter can happen also on this wiki).

  • Викимедииното Метавики (најчесто само Мета) е вики каде се дискутираат разни теми кои ги засегаат сите Викимедиини проекти. Погледајте и: „За Мета“.


Википедија е Викимедиин проект кој претставува глобална, бесплатна и повеќејазична семрежна енциклопедија. Ова е најстариот и најголемиот Викимедиин проект — постар дури и од самата Фондација Викимедија. Википедија е вики што работи на погонот МедијаВики. Wikipedia is often described as a wiki, but it is in fact a collection of over 200 wikis, one for each language, all running on the MediaWiki software.


МедијаВики е википогон предвиден за Википедија и другите Викимедиини проекти. Слободно се нуди секому за употреба и вон Викимедија (и негово подобрување), и се користи за секакви проекти ширум светот.

This site, mediawiki.org, is intended for information about MediaWiki and related software.

