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Citoid/Determining if a URL has a translator in Zotero

From mediawiki.org

Zotero runs daily tests on their translators here:


You'll notice there are two links for each day- one for "server" and one for "chrome". Citoid uses the "server" translators.

Example: https://zotero-translator-tests.s3.amazonaws.com/testTranslators.html#date=2015-04-07&browser=v&version=4.0.SOURCE.bfbf3d8

You can see there the full list of translators, and whether they're supported or not, and how the tests are performing. If they're not supported, then they will not run. If status is "failure" they may also will probably not run (this means all tests failed). If there is a data mismatch, they'll still run but it's less likely to be good data. Partial failure means that it won't run on some urls but will run on others.

Also note that from the names of the translators is not always easy to tell whether some urls will work or not, since large publishers often have lots of journals under their wing. For example, Springer Science + Business Media translates a large number of journals, like the American Academy of Pediatrics. News sites often appear under their own translators.