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User:Brooke Vibber/iOS build notes

From mediawiki.org

Building for iOS[edit]


  • Computer running Mac OS X 10.7
  • Xcode tools 4.2 (w/ iOS 5.0 SDK)
  • PhoneGap 1.1.0
    • install the iOS package which provides necessary headers, libraries, and templates to build the project in Xcode

Checking out the code[edit]

 git clone https://github.com/nitobi/Wikipedia.git

Double-click Wikipedia-iOS.xcodeproj in finder to open the project in XCode.

Directory structure[edit]

  +- assets/www/ - the HTML+JS app's code and resources
  +- Wikipedia-iOS/ - iOS support and build files
  +- Wikipedia-iOS.xcodeproj - Xcode project
  +- (anything else) Android stuff you can ignore

The actual HTML/JS runtime files live in assets/www and are where you'll likely spend most of your time. There should be more general pages explaining what goes on in there...

This should appear in the Xcode project as just "www". There may be an autogenerated extra "www" directory outside of assets -- you may safely ignore it!

Note that the actual PhoneGap frameworks live outside the project -- you need to install the PhoneGap frameworks first where Xcode can find them!

Building for simulator[edit]

Select 'iPad Simulator' or 'iPhone Simulator' in preferred version and hit the big "Run" button. It should work!

Building for device[edit]

Code signing and whatnot is beyond the scope of this document for now.

Building for deployment[edit]

Code signing and whatnot is beyond the scope of this document for now.

Known bugs[edit]

Major current issues:

  • articles load in Safari instead of in the iframe
  • no menu