Talk:Flow/Design/Iteration 3

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spage comments[edit]

From peering at the screen at the walkthrough:

  • The down-arrow for more choices looks like the collapser from Jorm prototype.
  • Liquid Threads, Jorm prototype, and current code all have expand/collapse of replies, it seems gone from this version (!?).
  • Eventually we want people to be able to star/unstar (watch) certain items (topics in Jorm's prototype) so they appear in their personal feed or whatever.
  • bug 54293 in current Flow extension code: it shows most recent reply first, but I believe we want newest reply at the bottom.
  • I'm confused about levels from the mockups. In Jorm prototype and current code, a topic is the title and the initial text, any amd all replies fit under that. But it looks like in this iteration anyone can contribute new top-level items under the subject.
  • The Iteration 2 mockups showed "10 conversations" and "34 conversations" but did not show nearly that many. Will there be separate [Show more posts/conversations (on this topic)] and [Load more topics (in this board)] loaders?

-- S Page (WMF) (talk) 22:47, 18 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

Trickster comments[edit]

  • 1 landing:
    At the top, I think structuring it as "questions/ask" is probably limiting compared to actual talkpage usage.
We can explore alternate prompts that are friendly and inviting for users to participate Jared Zimmerman (talk) 05:05, 20 September 2013 (UTC)Reply
  • How recognized is "Mins" as a contraction? Enwiki tends to attract a fairly international audience
Good question, sounds like something that will come up when real users start to interact if there is an issue Jared Zimmerman (talk) 05:05, 20 September 2013 (UTC)Reply
  • The indenting between "Boiled "Alive"?" and the actual first comment seems pretty arbitrary; with every other element, indenting is taken to mean "these two things are distinct". I worry this might cause (at least, initial) confusion - it certainly did for me.
Not sure i understand, do you mean indenting or spacing? there isn't any indenting at the first level, only the "tangent" level Jared Zimmerman (talk) 05:05, 20 September 2013 (UTC)Reply
  • Is "state and explain your point" not meant to be at the bottom of the thread?
Yes, this is a change that was proposed in our meeting, that we are already planning on integrating Jared Zimmerman (talk) 05:05, 20 September 2013 (UTC)Reply
  • "34 conversations"? Surely that's posts rather than conversations? Conversations would imply different threads.
the number was just an arbitrary one in the mock up, the number would be the number of posts, although we'll need to decide on language (posts/conversations/messages/something else?)Jared Zimmerman (talk) 05:05, 20 September 2013 (UTC)Reply
  • 2 mouseover:
    I still find the placement of the thank tag confusing; presumably it represents "thank the user for this comment", but it doesn't look like a button, just an icon.
Like the other icons and actions, this is still a work in progress, we've discussed trying an A/B test with text label, icons, or a mixJared Zimmerman (talk) 05:05, 20 September 2013 (UTC)Reply
  • Why are some thank icons different colours? To distinguished thanked/not thanked? (This is why we need a prototype ;p)
The green version i believe is the "clicked" state Jared Zimmerman (talk) 05:05, 20 September 2013 (UTC)Reply
  • No mouseover hints for topic hidden? I.e., how to unhide it, how to read it without/before unhiding.
This is yet to be designed, we're waiting for an Audit from Oliver to finish this part Jared Zimmerman (talk) 05:05, 20 September 2013 (UTC)Reply
  • 3 MoreActions:
    Suppress/delete have been discussed; hiding them behind a flag button is not going to work.
As with other things (threading) it might be best to start in a place that is very different than where we are now, and evaluate how people interact with it in real world situations Jared Zimmerman (talk) 05:05, 20 September 2013 (UTC)Reply
  • If we're going to have keyboard shortcuts, that needs to be discussed - actions we really don't want to shortcut to, how we deal with shortcuts reserved by other parts of MediaWiki (or the underlying browser/OS), how we deal with OS keyboard issues and localisation.
this is not planned as part of the MVP release, so we have some time to think about it. Jared Zimmerman (talk) 05:05, 20 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

--Ironholds (talk) 21:06, 19 September 2013 (UTC)Reply

More spage feedback[edit]

  • Shouldn't [Load more] in a topic show how many are hidden?
  • Is [Load more] only for replies to a top-level post on a topic, or might the topics also show [Load more]?

Questions/resolutions from 2013-09-25 Flow story review and estimation[edit]

  • Is number of levels a toe in the water or a definite decision? (okeyes)
    • Iteration 3 looks like topic header with title only, top-level posts on it, and posts in reply to those — two levels of comments.
  • Does a user reply to a topic title or a topic title + first post?
  • Note reply behavior is shown in mouseOver png
  • May has mobile view in development
    • Note that desktop without JavaScript also means no hover state, but mobile is different in that it won't even allow some of the actions shown in the mouseOver state.
  • Handle redlinks and images getting moved/deleted (new card #261)

Things we're not doing for this iteration[edit]

  • Navigation and filtering Active | History | [Search] top bar
    • mentioned on card #166 "Board history", but History here is more an alternative filter for a user's feed.
  • what to do if no JavaScript? (existing card #62)
  • Thank/unthank workflow (Thank button [Green smiley]) card #134
  • Browsers besides Firefox, Chrome, and Safari -- action item
  • "Don't worry about the right-hand moderation actions" —Maryana (but still want edit pencil icon).
  • Implement [Load more] within a topic. We would do this in JavaScript. (new card #262)
    - I don't think we should do this.--Jorm (WMF) (talk) 04:32, 26 September 2013 (UTC)Reply