Requests for comment/API roadmap/Naming Cleanup
(Redirected from Requests for comment/API Future/Naming Cleanup)
[edit]- A prefix with a
means this module can be used as a generator '→?'
column should have anX
on the lines with proposed changes'→??
- need a new two letter prefix- All core modules must have two letter prefixes
- All query extensions must have at least three letter prefixes
- Actions should not have prefixes
Core Modules
[edit]Page Type | Example | Used in the given page(s) | Which pages have it | List all in the wiki |
Page Link | [[Page]]
prop=links | list=backlinks | list=alllinks |
Template transclusion | {{Template}}
prop=templates→transclusions | list=embeddedin→transcludedin | list=alltransclusions |
Categories | [[category:Cat]]
prop=categories | list=categorymembers | list=allcategories |
Files | [[file:image.png]]
prop=images→files | list=imageusage→fileusage | list=allimages→allfiles |
Language links | [[ru:Page]]
prop=langlinks | list=langbacklinks | |
Interwiki links | [[meta:Page]]
prop=iwlinks | list=iwbacklinks | |
URLs |
prop=extlinks | list=exturlusage |
Query lists
[edit]→? | Module | pfx | Parameter and result changes |
allcategories | ac* | from, continue, to, prefix, dir, min, max, limit, prop | |
X | allimages→allfiles | ai*→af | sort, dir, from, to, continue, start, end, prop, prefix, minsize, maxsize, sha1, sha1base36, user, filterbots, mime, limit |
alllinks | al* | continue, from, to, prefix, unique, prop, namespace, limit, dir | |
allpages | ap* | from, continue, to, prefix, namespace, filterredir, minsize, maxsize, prtype, prlevel, prfiltercascade, limit, dir, filterlanglinks, prexpiry | |
alltransclusions | at* | continue, from, to, prefix, unique, prop, namespace, limit, dir | |
allusers | au | from, to, prefix, dir, group, excludegroup, rights, prop, limit, witheditsonly, activeusers | |
backlinks | bl* | title, pageid, continue, namespace, dir, filterredir, limit, redirect | |
blocks | bk | start, end, dir, ids, users, ip, limit, prop, show | |
categorymembers | cm* | title, pageid, prop, namespace, type, continue, limit, sort, dir, start, end, startsortkey, endsortkey, startsortkeyprefix, endsortkeyprefix | |
deletedrevs | dr | start, end, dir, from, to, prefix, continue, unique, user, excludeuser, namespace, limit, prop | |
embeddedin | ei* | title, pageid, continue, namespace, dir, filterredir, limit | |
exturlusage | eu* | prop, offset, protocol, query, namespace, limit, expandurl | |
filearchive | fa | from, continue, to, prefix, limit, dir, sha1, sha1base36, prop | |
X | imageusage→fileusage | iu*→fu | title, pageid, continue, namespace, dir, filterredir, limit, redirect |
X | iwbacklinks | iwbl*→?? | prefix, title, continue, limit, prop, dir |
X | langbacklinks | lbl*→?? | lang, title, continue, limit, prop, dir |
logevents | le | prop, type, action, start, end, dir, user, title, prefix, tag, limit | |
protectedtitles | pt* | namespace, level, limit, dir, start, end, prop | |
querypage | qp* | page, offset, limit | |
random | rn* | namespace, limit, redirect | |
recentchanges | rc* | start, end, dir, namespace, user, excludeuser, tag, prop, token, show, limit, type, toponly | |
search | sr* | search, namespace, what, info, prop, redirects, offset, limit | |
tags | tg | continue, limit, prop | |
usercontribs | uc | limit, start, end, continue, user, userprefix, dir, namespace, prop, show, tag, toponly | |
users | us | prop, users, token | |
X | watchlist→???? | wl* | allrev, start, end, namespace, user, excludeuser, dir, limit, prop, show, owner, token In result: user→userid when asking for userid. |
X | watchlistraw→???? | wr* | continue, namespace, limit, prop, show, owner, token, dir |
list=watchlistraw and possibly list=watchlist should be renamed to clarify their meaning. watchlistraw is a list of monitored pages. watchlist is the list of changes done to the monitored pages. Looking for better naming.
Query Props
[edit]→? | Module | pfx | Parameter and result changes |
categories | cl* | prop, show, limit, continue, categories, dir | |
categoryinfo | ci | continue | |
duplicatefiles | df* | limit, continue, dir, localonly | |
extlinks | el | limit, offset, protocol, query, expandurl | |
X | imageinfo→fileinfo | ii→fi | prop, limit, start, end, urlwidth, urlheight, metadataversion, urlparam, continue, localonly iiprop: |
X | images→files | im*→fs | limit, continue, images, dir |
info | in | prop, token, continue | |
iwlinks | iw | url, limit, continue, prefix, title, dir | |
langlinks | ll | limit, continue, url, lang, title, dir | |
links | pl* | namespace, limit, continue, titles, dir | |
pageprops | pp | continue, prop | |
revisions | rv | prop, limit, startid, endid, start, end, dir, user, excludeuser, tag, expandtemplates, generatexml, parse, section, token, continue, diffto, difftotext, contentformat | |
X | stashimageinfo | sii→?? | filekey,
X | templates→transclusions | tl* | namespace, limit, continue, templates, dir |
Bug 36220 - The stashimageinfo module shouldn't be a prop querymodule |
Query Meta
[edit]→? | Module | pfx | Parameter and result changes |
allmessages | am | messages, prop, enableparser, nocontent, includelocal, args, filter, customised, lang, from, to, title, prefix | |
siteinfo | si | prop, filteriw, showalldb, numberingroup, inlanguagecode Break up prop into many separate meta modules. See below.
| |
userinfo | ui | prop |
- New modules
Module | pfx | Notes |
sitelanguages | sl | Instead of siteinfo&siprop=lang → Get all languages as a {'xx':'language name',...} dictionary.
[edit]→? | Module | pfx | Parameter and result changes |
X | block | user, token, Results: userID →userid .
| |
compare | fromtitle, fromid, fromrev, totitle, toid, torev | ||
X | delete | title, pageid, token, reason, | |
X | edit | title, pageid, section, sectiontitle, text, token, summary, minor, notminor, bot, basetimestamp, starttimestamp, recreate, createonly, nocreate, | |
emailuser | target, subject, text, token, ccme | ||
expandtemplates | title, text, generatexml, includecomments | ||
feedwatchlist | feedformat, hours, allrev, wlowner, wltoken, wlexcludeuser, linktodiffs | ||
filerevert | filename, comment, archivename, token | ||
help | modules, querymodules | ||
import | token, summary, xml, interwikisource, interwikipage, fullhistory, templates, namespace, rootpage | ||
login | lg | name, password, domain, token | |
logout | |||
X | move | from, fromid, to, token, reason, movetalk, movesubpages, noredirect, | |
opensearch | search, limit, namespace, suggest, format | ||
paraminfo | modules, querymodules, mainmodule, pagesetmodule, formatmodules | ||
parse | title, text, summary, page, pageid, redirects, oldid, prop, pst, onlypst, uselang, section, disablepp, generatexml, contentformat, contentmodel, mobileformat, noimages, mainpage | ||
patrol | token, rcid | ||
X | protect | title, pageid, token, protections, expiry, reason, cascade, | |
purge | titles, pageids, revids, forcelinkupdate | ||
query | prop, list, meta, generator, redirects, converttitles, indexpageids, export, exportnowrap, iwurl | ||
rollback | title, user, token, summary, markbot, watchlist | ||
rsd | |||
X | unblock | id, user, token, | |
undelete | title, token, reason, timestamps, watchlist | ||
X | upload | filename, comment, text, token, | |
userrights | user, add, remove, token, reason | ||
watch | title, unwatch, uselang, token |
[edit]Query List Extensions
[edit]→? | Module | pfx | Parameter and result changes |
abusefilters | abf | startid, endid, dir, show, limit, prop | |
abuselog | afl | start, end, dir, user, title, filter, limit, prop | |
X | articlefeedback | af→??? | pageid, userrating, anontoken |
X | articlefeedbackv5-view-activity | aa→??? | feedbackid, limit, continue, noheader |
articlefeedbackv5-view-feedback | afvf | pageid, watchlist, sort, sortdirection, filter, feedbackid, limit, continue | |
X | articlefeedbackv5-view-ratings | af→??? | pageid |
centralnoticelogs | campaign, user, limit, offset, start, end | ||
X | checkuser | cu→??? | request, target, reason, limit, timecond, xff |
checkuserlog | cul | user, target, limit, from, to | |
X | gadgetcategories | gc→??? | prop, names |
X | gadgets | ga→??? | prop, language, categories, ids, allowedonly, enabledonly |
X | geosearch | gs*→ges | coord, page, radius, maxdim, limit, globe, namespace, prop, primary, withoutphotos |
X | globalblocks | bg→??? | start, end, dir, ids, addresses, ip, limit, prop |
globalgroups | ggp | prop | |
moodbarcomments | mbc | limit, dir, continue, type, user, myresponse, showunanswered, prop | |
X | oldreviewedpages | or*→??? | start, end, dir, maxsize, filterwatched, namespace, category, filterredir, limit |
Query Prop Extensions
[edit]→? | Module | pfx | Parameter and result changes |
X | coordinates→geodata | co→ged | limit, continue, prop, primary |
X | extracts | ex→??? | chars, sentences, limit, intro, plaintext, sectionformat, continue |
flagged | |||
X | globalusage | gu→??? | prop, limit, continue, filterlocal |
X | pageimages | pi→??? | prop, thumbsize, limit, continue |
transcodestatus | |||
X | videoinfo | vi→??? | prop, limit, start, end, urlwidth, urlheight, urlparam, continue |
Query Meta Extensions
[edit]→? | Module | pfx | Parameter and result changes |
globaluserinfo | gui | user, prop |
Action Extensions
[edit]→? | Module | pfx | Parameter and result changes |
abusefilterunblockautopromote | user, token | ||
articlefeedback | pageid, revid, anontoken, bucket, expertise, r1, r2, r3, r4 | ||
articlefeedbackv5 | pageid, revid, anontoken, bucket, link, experiment, email, cta, found, comment, tag, rating, trustworthy, objective, complete, wellwritten, expertise-general, expertise-studies, expertise-profession, expertise-hobby, expertise-other | ||
articlefeedbackv5-flag-feedback | pageid, feedbackid, flagtype, direction, note, toggle, source | ||
centralnoticeallocations | project, country, language, anonymous, bucket, minimal | ||
centralnoticequerycampaign | campaign | ||
clicktracking | eventid, namespacenumber, token, redirectto, additional | ||
deleteeducation | ids, type, comment, token | ||
deleteglobalaccount | user, reason, token | ||
e3acuxvalidate | username, password, email | ||
emailcapture | email, info | ||
enlist | subaction, role, username, userid, courseid, reason, token | ||
featuredfeed | feedformat, feed, language | ||
feedbackdashboard | mbaction, item, reason, token | ||
feedbackdashboardresponse | feedback, response, anonymize, editmode, useragent, system, locale, token | ||
feedcontributions | feedformat, user, namespace, year, month, tagfilter, deletedonly, toponly, showsizediff | ||
flagconfig | |||
getmarkashelpfulitem | type, item, prop, page | ||
markashelpful | mahaction, page, type, item, useragent, system, locale, token | ||
mobileview | page, redirect, sections, prop, sectionprop, variant, noimages, noheadings, notransform | ||
moodbar | page, type, comment, anonymize, editmode, useragent, system, locale, bucket, token | ||
moodbarsetuseremail | mbaction, email, token | ||
options | token, reset, change, optionname, optionvalue | ||
pagetriageaction | pageid, reviewed, token, note, skipnotif | ||
pagetriagelist | page_id, showbots, showredirs, showreviewed, showunreviewed, showdeleted, limit, offset, pageoffset, dir, namespace, no_category, no_inbound_links, non_autoconfirmed_users, blocked_users, username | ||
pagetriagestats | namespace, showredirs, showreviewed, showunreviewed, showdeleted | ||
pagetriagetagging | pageid, token, top, bottom, deletion, note, taglist | ||
pagetriagetemplate | view, template | ||
refresheducation | ids, type, token | ||
review | revid, token, comment, unapprove | ||
reviewactivity | previd, oldid, reviewing, token | ||
setglobalaccountstatus | user, locked, hidden, reason, token | ||
setnotificationtimestamp | titles, pageids, revids, entirewatchlist, token, timestamp, torevid, newerthanrevid | ||
X | sitematrix | sm→??? | type, state, langprop, siteprop, limit, continue |
stabilize | protectlevel, expiry, reason, watch, token, title | ||
X | titleblacklist | tb→??? | title, action, nooverride |
tokens | type | ||
transcodereset | title, transcodekey, token | ||
userdailycontribs | user, daysago, basetimestamp | ||
visualeditor | page, paction, token, basetimestamp, starttimestamp, oldid, minor, watch, html, summary | ||
wikilove | title, text, message, token, subject, type, email | ||
wikiloveimagelog | image, success |