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MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group/Fantastic MediaWikis CfP

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Fantastic MediaWikis and How to Maintain Them

Come to Vienna Hackathon!

Participate in a one-day conference track at the Wikimedia Hackathon 2017, designed for people who work with the open source software MediaWiki in their organization, company or business. The conference track is curated by the MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group and hosted by Wikimedia Austria.

At the Wikimedia Hackathon 2017, about 200 developers from all over the world will come to Vienna to improve MediaWiki. We are using this opportunity to develop a special program for the software’s stakeholders, maintainers, and power-users. The track is curated by the MediaWiki Stakeholders Group, an organization of advocates for users from outside the Wikimedia Foundation and its projects. Access the global network of developers, get inspired by use cases, and learn new skills!

  • When: Friday, 19 May 2017, 11:30am to 6pm
  • Where: JUFA Hotel Wien City, Mautner-Markhof-Gasse 50, 1110 Vienna, Austria @ Wikimedia Hackathon 2017

Call for Participation


This is a call for participation. We are specifically looking for contributions of your experience in running MediaWikis. These include, but are not confined to:

  • Use Cases. Tell us how and why you use MediaWiki in a specific area or to solve a specific problem. Proposed duration: 15-30 minutes. Format: presentation.
  • Best Practices. Talk about the most effective way you have found to use particular MediaWiki features. Proposed duration: 30 minutes. Format: presentation or workshop.
  • Enhancements. Did you improve MediaWiki to fit your needs? Show us your solution. Proposed duration: 30 minutes. Format: presentation or workshop.
  • Challenges. How can we all add to MediaWiki functionality? Do you have specific ideas you want to collaborate on? Proposed duration: 30 minutes. Format: presentation or workshop.

The proposed format is either a presentation, a tutorial or a workshop.

  • In a presentation, you talk to the audience in order to show them something you have made.
  • In a tutorial, you teach the audience how to do something in or with MediaWiki.
  • In a workshop, you work together with the audience in order to produce a result or push an issue forward.

Share your experience! (see "How to submit" below).

Timeline and Schedule


Participation timeline

  • 20th March 2017: Call for Participation opens
  • 5th April 2017: Submission deadline
  • 10th April 2017: Notification of acceptance
  • 19th - 21st May 2017: Vienna Hackathon

Schedule (preliminary)

Time Slot
10:00 Wikimedia Hackathon Opening Session (you’re welcome to attend)
11:30 Opening Keynote
12:00 Use Cases
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Presentations / Tutorials
15:30 Break
16:00 Workshop
17:00 Panel Discussion
18:00 Dinner
20:00 Karaoke Night

How to submit


In order to propose a submission, simply add the title and description of your proposal in the section below until Wednesday, 5th of April.

Title of your presentation/workshop Description Presentation type Duration Your name/username Contact
How do I make my MediaWiki work with VisualEditor? I will show you how you can install VisualEditor with your MediaWiki installation, even if the wiki is non-public Tutorial 30 min Mglaser (talk) 10:51, 17 March 2017 (UTC)[reply] email
Deploying MediaWiki with oregano How to deploy MediaWiki with atomic code updates, a fast rollback and a staging environment. Presentation 15 min Nikerabbit (talk) 15:22, 22 March 2017 (UTC)[reply] email or irc (Nikerabbit)
The Vienna History Wiki - a large Semantic MediaWiki Lessons learned after 4 years of operating a large SMW installation. Presentation 20 min Bernhard Krabina (talk) email and SMW Austria user group
Content is Architecture This talk promotes SMW as an ideal platform for implementing the principles of "Every Page is Page One" (EPPO) based on the "Three-Ontologies-Method". Presentation 30 min Lex (talk) email
A Quality Management System (QMS) under Semantic MediaWiki This talk presents a pilot project where processes & procedures together with their issues (customer complaints, deviation permits, non-conformities, etc) are under a Semantic MediaWiki at the European Space Agency (ESA). Presentation 30 min m.barylak m.barylak


Learning from Confluence? About MediaWikis strengths and weaknesses This talk offers a current comparison of Atlassian's Confluence and MediaWiki. This look beyond our own back yard is very helpfull for a definition of MediaWiki's position and strategy. Presentation 30 min RichardHeigl (talk) 16:36, 5 April 2017 (UTC)[reply] @twitter
What are others using MW for? I'm conducting some interviews with 3rd party MW users and will summarize their experience. Presentation 30 min ☠MarkAHershberger☢(talk)☣ 18:17, 5 April 2017 (UTC)[reply] @hexmode
Please add your proposal here

Register and Attend


Registration open until April 16th 2017

If you wish to attend the conference track, please register here: http://wikimedia.at/hackathon/fantastic-mediawikis.

Tickets and prices

There is no conference fee. For people who are working with MediaWiki commercially, we kindly suggest a contribution towards our expenses of € 45, which covers costs for food and drinks, or, should your budget allow it, even a sponsor-ticket of € 90. This decision is entirely up to you – we are happy to welcome you to our event!

We kindly ask all participants and (potential) speakers to register, so we can prepare accordingly.

Register for the Wikimedia Hackathon separately

People attending the Wikimedia Hackathon are welcome to attend the stakeholder’s conference track and vice versa. If you want to stay until Saturday or Sunday, it’s necessary that you register for the Wikimedia Hackathon 2017 separately.





For any questions about the track, please contact Markus Glaser via email: glaser@hallowelt.com.