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LaTeX with Google chart

From mediawiki.org
(Redirected from LaTeX with google chart)

LaTeX on a shared host and MediaWiki and LaTeX on a host with shell access tell you how to use mimeTeX.cgi to get Latex rendered on your wiki, there is another way now - the google chart.

You can use Google Chart Tools to render latex in two ways:

Solution 1


(based on the idea of MediaWiki and LaTeX on a host with shell access)

# Place this file in extension directory as Mtag.php
# Add the following line to LocalSettings.php:
# include './extensions/Mtag.php';
# MediaWiki will render as LaTeX the code within <m> </m> tags.

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfMtag";

function wfMtag() {
        global $wgParser;
        $wgParser->setHook( "m", "returnMtagged" );

function returnMtagged( $code, $argv)
	$urlencodedcode = urlencode($code);
        $txt='<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=tx&chf=bg,s,FFFFFFFF&chco=000000&chl='.$urlencodedcode.'">';
        return $txt;


Solution 2


(based on the idea of LaTeX on a shared host)

Open Math.php in $WikiPath/includes/Math.php and find this function (at the bottom):

 public static function renderMath( $tex, $params=array() ) {
     global $wgUser;
     $math = new MathRenderer( $tex, $params );
     $math->setOutputMode( $wgUser->getOption('math'));
     return $math->render();

Add this line after the first line:

     return '<img class="tex" src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=tx&chf=bg,s,FFFFFFFF&chco=000000&chl=' . rawurlencode($tex) . '" alt="LaTeX: ' . htmlspecialchars($tex) . '">';


 public static function renderMath( $tex, $params=array() ) {
     return '<img class="tex" src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=tx&chf=bg,s,FFFFFFFF&chco=000000&chl=' . rawurlencode($tex) . '" alt="LaTeX: ' . htmlspecialchars($tex) . '">';
     global $wgUser;
     $math = new MathRenderer( $tex, $params );
     $math->setOutputMode( $wgUser->getOption('math'));
     return $math->render();

Then enable TeX in LocalSettings.php

See also

  • Extension:SimpleMathJax a quicker and easier way to provide support for rendering mathematical formulas on-wiki, without texvc or LaTeX.