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Bangalore DevCamp November 2012/Topics

From mediawiki.org



Language Engineering


Interested in improving language support in Wiki projects?

  • Be part of language support team

Talk to the language engineering team, they are looking for community members who can support the engineering activities for their language. You can help us in testing and reporting bug related to your language, become contact person for language related questions from developer community, and to help non-technical community with technical solutions.

  • Provide translation for interfaces
  • Become a language ambassador
  • Web resources for your language

Love typography?


Are you a font designer or passionate about typography? Wikimedia language engineering team is actively working on webfonts technology to improve readability and accessibility of non-latin scripts. You can contribute in developing fonts, improving existing fonts, testing or fixing bugs on rendering/readability. Or even with your awesome ideas for improving the wikimedia content reading experience.

  • Help us in improving jQuery WebFonts - a webfonts library not dependent on MediaWiki.
  • Develop a font with minimal glyphs and tables, but covers all language names in its script(autonyms)

Do you know how to type in your language?


...and what to help others also in typing in their mother tongue? Wikimedia language engineering team develops and maintains input methods in many languages, especially Indic languages. Check out the typing tools, help us in improving and expanding our input method coverage to more languages. Learn about the typing tools and help other community members to start using it.

  • Help us in improving jQuery IME - an input method library not dependent on MediaWiki.
  • Test jquery.ime for your language and help us in writing unit tests for the input methods

Do you speak JavaScript?


Topics to work on:

  • ULS integration into selected Wikimedia projects
  • Convert jQuery.ime to a Firefox extension
  • Convert jQuery.ime to a chrome extension
  • Write wrapper plugins on top of jQuery.ime for Wordpress, Drupal, other popular CMS
  • Add more input methods to jquery.ime
  • Develop an onscreen keyboard framework for jquery.ime
  • Develop and test jquery.ime support for content editable elements
  • Implement CLDR number patterns to jquery.i18n
  • Add data/time formatting to jquery.i18n
  • Add calendar system support for jquery.i18n
  • [css] Help jquery.uls to make css lint free

Do you hate bugs?


Help is in providing bug free language support for all users of Wikimedia projects. Depending on your skills and interest there are a large number of open bugs in our bugzilla with varying degree of complexity.

Interested in translation?


Wikimedia projects are available for 285 languages, thanks to the large community of translators who actively translate the MediaWiki interface to their mother tongue. Without much technical knowledge you can join the community. Get and account at our localization platform - translatewiki.net and just start!

  • Translate untranslated messages
  • Proofread existing translations
  • Fix i18n issues reported by other translators

Are you a UI/UX designer


You can help us in improving the Wikimedia user experience, talk to our UX/UI designers. Topics to work on:

  • UI for writing tools such as an autocomplete-based input method or a tool to learn a script.
  • Gamification system and visual dashboard for translator on-line communities.
  • Design mobile versions for language selector, translation, and proofreading activities.
  • Design a test plan and participate in testing sessions for Mediawiki projects.