Debian packages/mathoid
(Redirected from User:Legoktm/Packages/mathoid)
km@km-pt:~$ npm2deb depends -b -r mathoid Dependencies: NPM Debian mathoid (0.7.1) None ββ bluebird (^3.5.1) node-bluebird (3.5.1+dfsg2-1) ββ body-parser (^1.18.2) node-body-parser (1.8.1-1) ββ bunyan (^1.8.12) None β ββ dtrace-provider (~0.8) None β β ββ nan (^2.3.3) node-nan (2.8.0-1) β ββ moment (^2.10.6) node-moment (2.20.1+ds-1) β ββ mv (~2) None β β ββ mkdirp (~0.5.1) node-mkdirp (0.5.1-1) β β ββ ncp (~2.0.0) None β β ββ rimraf (~2.4.0) node-rimraf (2.6.2-1) β ββ safe-json-stringify (~1) None ββ cassandra-uuid (^0.0.2) None β ββ long (^2.2.5) None ββ compression (^1.7.1) node-compression (1.1.0-1) ββ express (^4.16.2) node-express (4.1.1~dfsg-1) ββ file-or-stdin (^1.0.2) None β ββ get-stdin (^5.0.1) node-get-stdin (5.0.1-1) β ββ graceful-fs (^4.1.6) node-graceful-fs (4.1.11-1) β ββ inspect-with-kind (^1.0.0) None β ββ kind-of (^6.0.2) node-kind-of (6.0.2+dfsg-1) ββ file-or-stdout (^1.0.0) None β ββ output-file (^1.1.1) None β ββ mkdirp (^0.5.0) node-mkdirp (0.5.1-1) β ββ one-time (^0.0.3) None β ββ xtend (^4.0.0) node-extend (2.0.0-1) ββ http-shutdown (^1.2.0) None ββ js-yaml (^3.10.0) node-js-yaml (3.10.0+dfsg-1) ββ librsvg (^0.7.0) None β ββ bindings (~1.2.0) node-bindings (1.2.1-1) β ββ nan (^2.4.0) node-nan (2.8.0-1) ββ mathoid-mathjax-node (^0.7.0) None β ββ jsdom (^6.0.0) node-jsdom (0.8.10+dfsg1-2) β ββ mathoid-mathjax (^2.7.1) None ββ mock-express-request (^0.2.2) None β ββ accepts (^1.3.4) node-accepts (1.1.1-1) β ββ fresh (^0.5.2) node-fresh (0.2.0-1) β ββ lodash (^4.17.4) node-lodash (4.17.4+dfsg-1) β ββ mock-req (^0.2.0) None β ββ parseurl (^1.3.2) node-parseurl (1.3.0-1) β ββ range-parser (^1.2.0) node-range-parser (0.0.4+git7d1cd72a-1) β ββ type-is (^1.6.15) node-type-is (1.5.2-1) ββ mock-express-response (^0.2.2) None β ββ content-disposition (^0.5.2) node-content-disposition (0.5.0-1) β ββ content-type (^1.0.4) node-content-type (1.0.2-1) β ββ cookie (^0.3.1) node-cookie (0.1.2-2) β ββ cookie-signature (^1.0.6) node-cookie-signature (1.0.3-1) β ββ depd (^1.1.1) node-depd (1.1.1-1) β ββ escape-html (^1.0.3) node-escape-html (1.0.3-1) β ββ etag (^1.8.1) node-etag (1.4.0-1) β ββ mock-express-request (^0.2.2) None β ββ mock-res (^0.5.0) None β ββ on-finished (^2.3.0) node-on-finished (2.1.0-2) β ββ proxy-addr (^2.0.2) node-proxy-addr (1.0.3-1) β ββ qs (^6.5.1) node-qs (2.2.4-1) β ββ send (^0.16.1) node-send (0.9.4-1) β ββ utils-merge (^1.0.1) node-utils-merge (1.0.0-1) β ββ vary (^1.1.2) node-vary (1.0.0-1) ββ preq (^0.5.4) None β ββ bluebird (^3.1.1) node-bluebird (3.5.1+dfsg2-1) β ββ request (^2.67.0) node-request (2.26.1-1) β ββ semver (^5.3.0) node-semver (5.4.1-1) ββ service-runner (^2.4.7) None β ββ bluebird (^3.5.0) node-bluebird (3.5.1+dfsg2-1) β ββ bunyan (^1.8.10) None β ββ bunyan-syslog-udp (^0.1.0) None β ββ dnscache (^1.0.1) None β β ββ asap (~2.0.3) None β β ββ lodash.clone (~4.3.2) node-lodash-packages (4.15.0-1) β ββ extend (^3.0.0) node-extend (2.0.0-1) β ββ gelf-stream (^1.1.1) None β β ββ gelfling (^0.3.0) None β ββ hot-shots (^4.4.0) None β ββ js-yaml (^3.8.3) node-js-yaml (3.10.0+dfsg-1) β ββ limitation (^0.2.0) None β β ββ bluebird (^3.3.1) node-bluebird (3.5.1+dfsg2-1) β β ββ kad (git+ β β β ββ async (^2.1.4) node-async (0.8.0-3) β β β ββ bunyan (^1.8.5) None β β β ββ concat-stream (^1.6.0) node-concat-stream (1.6.0-1) β β β ββ jsonrpc-lite (^1.2.3) None β β β ββ merge (^1.2.0) node-merge (1.2.0-2) β β β ββ metapipe (^2.0.1) None β β β ββ uuid (^3.0.1) node-uuid (1.4.7-5) β β ββ readable-stream (^2.0.5) None β β ββ core-util-is (~1.0.0) node-core-util-is (1.0.2-1) β β ββ inherits (~2.0.3) node-inherits (2.0.3-1) β β ββ isarray (~1.0.0) node-isarray (2.0.2-1) β β ββ process-nextick-args (~2.0.0) node-process-nextick-args (1.0.8-1) β β ββ safe-buffer (~5.1.1) node-safe-buffer (5.1.1-1) β β ββ string_decoder (~1.0.3) node-string-decoder (1.0.3-2) β β ββ util-deprecate (~1.0.1) node-util-deprecate (1.0.2-1) β ββ semver (^5.3.0) node-semver (5.4.1-1) β ββ yargs (^7.1.0) node-yargs (10.0.3-2) ββ speech-rule-engine (^2.1.1) None β ββ commander (*) node-commander (2.12.2-1) β ββ wicked-good-xpath (*) None β ββ xml-mapping (*) None β β ββ sax (=0.4.2) sax.js (1.2.4-1) β β ββ xml-writer (>=1.0.4) None β ββ xmldom-sre (>=0.1.31) None ββ svgo (^0.7.1) node-svgo (1.0.3-3) ββ swagger-router (^0.7.1) None β ββ bluebird (^3.4.0) node-bluebird (3.5.1+dfsg2-1) β ββ cassandra-uuid (^0.0.2) None β ββ js-yaml (^3.6.1) node-js-yaml (3.10.0+dfsg-1) β ββ tassembly (^0.2.3) None β ββ template-expression-compiler (^0.1.8) None ββ texvcinfo (^0.5.2) None ββ commander (^2.11.0) node-commander (2.12.2-1) ββ mathoid-texvcjs (^0.3.6) None ββ commander (~2.12.2) node-commander (2.12.2-1) Warnings occurred: [warning] ncp: ncp is included in node-react. Package it separately and remove it from node-react if you need it for another module. [warning] xtend: extend does the same job [warning] readable-stream: Only nodejs >= 0.10.x is in debian, see node-multiparty for a patch. Do not replace if needed for browserify/webpack [warning] minimalistic-assert: this a cut down version of assert. Replace by assert see node-des.js for a patch [error] asap: is included in node-promise as a patch, contact the maintainer for more info