User:Infinite0694/Mass RevisionDelete tool/ja.js
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* Copy from [[w:User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/massRevdel.js]]
* [[w:Special:PermaLink/691117524]]
* @license
* @author [[w:en:User:Writ Keeper]]
var api = new mw.Api();
if(mw.config.get("wgCanonicalSpecialPageName") == "Contributions")
$("").before("<div style='display:inline-block;' id='revdelCP'><fieldset><legend>版指定削除</legend>選択した版の不可視化: <input type='button' id='revdelSelectAll' value='全て選択'><input type='button' id='revdelSelectNone' value=全て解除>\
<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='revdelContent' name='revdelOptions' value='content'> 本文の不可視化</span> \
<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='revdelName' name='revdelOptions' value='userName'> 利用者名の不可視化</span> \
<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='revdelComment' name='revdelOptions' value='editSummary'> 編集要約の不可視化</span> \
<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='undelContent' name='revdelOptions' value='content'> 本文の復元</span> \
<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='undelName' name='revdelOptions' value='userName'> 利用者名の復元</span> \
<span style='white-space:nowrap;'><input type='checkbox' id='undelComment' name='revdelOptions' value='editSummary'> 編集要約の復元</span> \
<br/><select id='wpRevDeleteReasonList'><optgroup label='Other reason'><option value='other'>その他の理由</option></optgroup><optgroup label='よくある削除理由'><option value='著作権侵害のおそれ'>著作権侵害のおそれ</option><option value='著作権侵害のおそれ'>著作権侵害のおそれ</option><option value='プライバシー侵害のおそれ'>プライバシー侵害のおそれ</option><option value='名誉毀損のおそれ'>名誉毀損のおそれ</option><option value='不適切な利用者名'>不適切な利用者名</option><option value='[[w:ja:LTA:ISECHIKA|ISECHIKA]]'>[[w:ja:LTA:ISECHIKA|ISECHIKA]]</option></optgroup><optgroup label='Common delete reasons'><option value='Copyright violation'>Copyright violation</option><option value='Inappropriate comment or personal information'>Inappropriate comment or personal information</option><option value='Inappropriate username'>Inappropriate username</option><option value='Potentially libelous information'>Potentially libelous information</option><option value='Grossly insulting, degrading, or offensive material'>Grossly insulting, degrading, or offensive material</option></optgroup></select><input name='wpReason' size='60' id='wpReason' maxlength='100'>\
<input type='button' class='revdelSubmit' id='revdelSubmit' value='選択した版を版指定削除'> <input type='button' class='revdelSubmit' id='oversightSubmit' value='選択した版をオーバーサイト'></fieldset></div>");
$(" .mw-revdelundel-link").each(function(ind,el){
var revId = /ids=(\d+)/.exec($(this).children("a").attr("href"))[1];
var pageTitle = /target=([^&]+)/.exec($(this).children("a").attr("href"))[1];
el.innerHTML = "<input type='checkbox' name='"+decodeURIComponent(pageTitle)+"' class='revdelIds' value='"+revId+"'>";
//load canned summaries
reasons = data.replace(/\*\* ([^\*]+)/g, '<option value="$1">$1</option>');
reasons = reasons.replace(/\* ([^<]+)([^\*]+)/g, '<optgroup label="$1">$2</optgroup>');
//attach handlers
$(this).prop("checked", true);
$(this).prop("checked", false);
//figure out which revisions and pages we're working on.
var revCount = 0;
var numTitles = 0;
var pageTitles = {};
revCount = ind + 1;
if(ind > 49)
return false;
if(typeof pageTitles[$(this).attr("name")] == "undefined")
pageTitles[$(this).attr("name")] = $(this).val();
pageTitles[$(this).attr("name")] = pageTitles[$(this).attr("name")] + "|" + $(this).val();
if(numTitles == 0)
return false;
var confirmString = revCount + " 版の設定を操作しようとしています。\n " + " \n\n以下の閲覧レベルが変更されます:\n";
//figure out what we're doing to each revision. This is pretty clunky, but whatever.
var deleteString = "";
var revealString = "";
var typeString = "revdel";
if($("#revdelContent").prop("checked") == $("#undelContent").prop("checked"))
confirmString = confirmString + "-版の本文は変更されません。\n";
else if($("#revdelContent").prop("checked"))
deleteString = "content";
confirmString = confirmString + "-版の本文が不可視化されます。\n";
revealString = "content";
confirmString = confirmString + "-版の本文が可視化されます。\n";
if($("#revdelComment").prop("checked") == $("#undelComment").prop("checked"))
confirmString = confirmString + "-編集の要約は変更されません。\n";
else if($("#revdelComment").prop("checked"))
if(deleteString != "")
deleteString = deleteString + "|";
deleteString = deleteString + "comment";
confirmString = confirmString + "-編集の要約が不可視化されます。\n";
if(revealString != "")
revealString = revealString + "|";
revealString = revealString + "comment";
confirmString = confirmString + "-編集の要約が可視化されます。\n";
if($("#revdelName").prop("checked") == $("#undelName").prop("checked"))
confirmString = confirmString + "-投稿者の利用者名/IPアドレスは変更されません。\n";
else if($("#revdelName").prop("checked"))
if(deleteString != "")
deleteString = deleteString + "|";
deleteString = deleteString + "user";
confirmString = confirmString + "-投稿者の利用者名/IPアドレスが不可視化されます。\n";
if(revealString != "")
revealString = revealString + "|";
revealString = revealString + "user";
confirmString = confirmString + "-投稿者の利用者名/IPアドレスが可視化されます。\n";
if(deleteString == "" && revealString == "")
return false;
var summary = "";
//construct the revdel summary
if($("#wpRevDeleteReasonList").val() == "other")
if($("#wpReason").val() == "")
return false;
summary = $("#wpReason").val();
summary = $("#wpRevDeleteReasonList").val();
if($("#wpReason").val() != "")
summary = summary + ": " + $("#wpReason").val();
confirmString = confirmString + "\n閲覧レベルを変更する理由: "+ summary +"\n\n本当に実行しますか?";
var numCompleted = 0;
for (title in pageTitles)
var ajaxData;
ajaxData = {action:"revisiondelete",type:"revision",ids:pageTitles[title],reason:summary};
if(deleteString != "")
if(revealString != "")
api.postWithToken('csrf', ajaxData).done(function()
if(numCompleted == numTitles)
alert(revCount + " 版の閲覧レベルが変更されました!");
return false;
return false;
//figure out which revisions and pages we're working on.
var revCount = 0;
var numTitles = 0;
var pageTitles = {};
revCount = ind + 1;
if(ind > 49)
alert("You can't do more than 50 revdels at once! Canceling...");
return false;
if(typeof pageTitles[$(this).attr("name")] == "undefined")
pageTitles[$(this).attr("name")] = $(this).val();
pageTitles[$(this).attr("name")] = pageTitles[$(this).attr("name")] + "|" + $(this).val();
if(numTitles == 0)
alert("You didn't select any revisions to delete!");
return false;
var confirmString = "You are attempting to modify " + revCount + " revisions.\n\nThe following revision attributes will be changed:\n";
//figure out what we're doing to each revision. This is pretty clunky, but whatever.
var deleteString = "";
var oversighting = -1;
if($("#revdelContent").prop("checked") == $("#undelContent").prop("checked"))
confirmString = confirmString + "-Content visibility won't change.\n";
else if($("#revdelContent").prop("checked"))
deleteString = "content";
confirmString = confirmString + "-Content will be oversighted.\n";
oversighting = 1;
if(oversighting == 1)
alert("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");
return false;
deleteString = "content";
confirmString = confirmString + "-Content will be returned to normal (admin-only) revision deletion.\n";
oversighting = 0;
if($("#revdelComment").prop("checked") == $("#undelComment").prop("checked"))
confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary visibility won't change.\n";
else if($("#revdelComment").prop("checked"))
if(oversighting == 0)
alert("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");
return false;
if(deleteString != "")
deleteString = deleteString + "|";
deleteString = deleteString + "comment";
confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary will be oversighted.\n";
oversighting = 1;
if(oversighting == 1)
alert("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");
return false;
if(deleteString != "")
deleteString = deleteString + "|";
deleteString = deleteString + "comment";
confirmString = confirmString + "-Edit summary will be returned to normal (admin-only) revision deletion.\n";
oversighting = 0;
if($("#revdelName").prop("checked") == $("#undelName").prop("checked"))
confirmString = confirmString + "-User name visibility won't change.\n";
else if($("#revdelName").prop("checked"))
if(oversighting == 0)
alert("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");
return false;
if(deleteString != "")
deleteString = deleteString + "|";
deleteString = deleteString + "user";
confirmString = confirmString + "-User name will be oversighted.\n";
oversighting = 1;
if(oversighting == 1)
alert("we can't oversight and un-oversight edits at the same time!");
return false;
if(deleteString != "")
deleteString = deleteString + "|";
deleteString = deleteString + "user";
confirmString = confirmString + "-User name will be returned to normal (admin-only) revision deletion.\n";
oversighting = 0;
if(deleteString == "")
alert("You didn't select any properties of the revisions to change!");
return false;
var summary = "";
//construct the revdel summary
if($("#wpRevDeleteReasonList").val() == "other")
if($("#wpReason").val() == "")
alert("You didn't select or write in an edit summary for the logs!");
return false;
summary = $("#wpReason").val();
summary = $("#wpRevDeleteReasonList").val();
if($("#wpReason").val() != "")
summary = summary + ": " + $("#wpReason").val();
confirmString = confirmString + "\nYour oversight summary is: "+ summary +"\n\nAre you sure you want to do this?";
var numCompleted = 0;
for (title in pageTitles)
var ajaxData;
ajaxData = {action:"revisiondelete",type:"revision",ids:pageTitles[title],reason:summary,hide:deleteString};
if(oversighting == 1)
ajaxData.suppress = "yes";
else if(oversighting == 0)
ajaxData.suppress = "no";
alert("Something went wrong, so we're going to abort without doing anything.");
api.postWithToken('csrf', ajaxData).done(function()
if(numCompleted == numTitles)
alert("modified " + revCount + " revision(s) successfully!");
return false;
return false;