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You said

lmNp qrSt wxy&z

lmn & pqr


spider man


Extension ParserFunctions



k9ed k9ing king9 clouds clouded zorps zorpped cloud

The L letter and the Z.

search divs matches DivX quotes turn off camelCase ? greyspace-connectors turns them back on txt2regEx fox1a2b3c4dhenHole proximity test that may unveil tokenizing

  • run 4 run
  • run4 run4run4run
  • 4run 4run4run4run
  • run 4 ruNner
  • run:44:runner
  • run44Runner
  • run44ruNner
  • run44 runNer
  • run 44Runner
  • run4run4run
  • runRunRun
  • run:run:run
  • run:Run:Run

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

you're 8 8 8 a@b.com 8 8 8 8 http://a.com

Some déjà vu <a href="http://somedomain.com>">website</a> 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 rôle, déjà, and däis fox, foxes pay, paid, paying waiter, waitress hear, hears I, me, my ate, eaten organ, organize so be it, were it so jump, jumping, jumpiness jumpi general, generate, gener overstemming be, are, and am, or mice and mouse understemming fails relevant documents

  • n 9 nEr n9nEr
  • n:9:nEr
  • n :9: nEr
  • n:9 n9
  • nn99 :nn99: n9 n9 9n 9n 99nnN 99nN 99n:N
  • n9 nEr
  • n9:nEr
  • n99nEr
  • 99nEr
  • n<t>9nEr
  • n"9nEr
  • n<9nEr
  • n>9nEr
  • nN nn nX 9N n9 n9n nNnN nAnA naNanAn
    • 99 99.01

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ---- 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ---- test whitespace (defined as "pure whitespace" + greyspace == non-indexed strings, including whitespace whitespace == "pure" whitespace camelCase == mulipleWordsAsOne numberCase == word9999 test cases the above delimiters 1)word delimiting: whitespace or greyspace or quotes 2)word quantity per 3 types of delimiting (verified by proximity) 3)stemming 4)

  • i1 1i
  • :i1:1i:
  • :i1!1i
  • :i1"1i
  • :i1<i1>1i
  • i1<>1i
  • i11i
  • i1i1 i1.0i1 i1.i1
  • i:1 i:1 i:1.ii1
  • iii :111 iii: 111
  • ii11 11ii
  • ii 1: i 1
  • i 1 :i 1
  • i 1 i 1
  • i1 i1 i1
  • i1:i1:i1
  • :i1 i1
  • w1 w2 w3 sW ww WW

morelike with nonsence words| chro | harvd | blazp https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Search&profile=default&search=morelike:text+%7C+chro+%7C+harvd+%7C+blazp&fulltext=Search happy3 matches

  • happy 3rd
  • "Happy" #3
  • "soHappy" - 3:36
  • 4happy-3-year-anniversary
  • Happy" [3]
  • happier

"happy 3" will not match "happy 3rd" but will match happy<greyspace>3<greyspace> "happy3" will match happy<wtspc>3word. "happy3rd" will match happy<wtspc>3<wtspc>rd such as happy 3-rd A literal " character clouded zorp k9ed test special:preferences special:preferences 48 30 0 64 40 @ 80 50 P 96 60 ` 112 70 p 49 31 1 65 41 A 81 51 Q 97 61 a 113 71 q 2 02 STX 18 12 DC2 34 22 " 50 32 2 66 42 B 82 52 R 98 62 b 114 72 r Template:Sl Template:Regex 116 74 t 5 05 ENQ 21 15 NAK 37 25 % 53 35 5 69 45 E 85 55 U 101 65 e 117 75 u 6 06 ACK 22 16 SYN 38 26 & 54 36 6 70 46 F 86 56 V 102 66 f 118 76 v 7 07 BEL 23 17 ETB 39 27 ' 55 37 7 71 47 G 87 57 W 103 67 g 119 77 w 8 08 BS 24 18 CAN 40 28 ( 56 38 8 72 48 H 88 58 X 104 68 h 120 78 x 9 09 HT 25 19 EM 41 29 ) 57 39 9 73 49 I 89 59 Y 105 69 i 121 79 y 10 0A LF 26 1A SUB 42 2A * 58 3A : 74 4A J 90 5A Z 106 6A j 122 7A z 11 0B VT 27 1B ESC 43 2B + 59 3B ; 75 4B K 91 5B [ 107 6B k 123 7B { 12 0C FF 28 1C FS 44 2C , 60 3C < 76 4C L 92 5C \ 108 6C l 124 7C | 13 0D CR 29 1D GS 45 2D - 61 3D = 77 4D M 93 5D ] 109 6D m 125 7D } 14 0E SO 30 1E RS 46 2E . 62 3E > 78 4E N 94 5E ^ 110 6E n 126 7E ~ 15 0F SI 31 1F US 47 2F / 63 3F ? 79 4F O 95 5F _ 111 6F o 127 7F DEL Sample text for testing: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 +-.,!@#$%^&*();\/|<>"' 12345 -98.7 3.141 .6180 9,000 +42 555.123.4567 +1-(800)-555-2468 foo@demo.net bar.ba@test.co.uk www.demo.com http://foo.co.uk/ http://regexr.com/foo.html?q=bar link urlencode:a%0A++++++b%0A+++++++c' fullurl://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Search&search=lisa+doll'