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Universal Language Selector/Analytics

From mediawiki.org

The Universal Language Selector (ULS) has been deployed on Wikimedia wikis since July 2013. This extension allows the users to select their user interface language, as well as define their settings for webfonts and input methods. As a component, ULS is also used for selecting a language in other contexts, for example—the target language for translation.

Given that it's a very feature-rich extension, the developers are interested to know how its different parts are used, so that they can be improved.

The schema meta:Schema:UniversalLanguageSelector is used for EventLogging.

ulsPurpose registry


As of 2018, the event that receives particular attention is "no-search-results", which tracks users' failure to find the language they're searching for. For this, the instances of ULS are identified by the ulsPurpose option, which must be unique. Here are the currently used identifiers:

Identifier Extension Comments
clean-changes CleanChanges Selects the language on Special:Recentchanges when the CleanChanges extension is used. (patch)
cx-languagefilter-source ContentTranslation Used on Special:CX for selecting the source language of article to be translated, published translations, and suggestions. (patch)
cx-languagefilter-target ContentTranslation Used on Special:CX for selecting the target language of article to be translated, published translations, and suggestions. (patch)
translate-special-managetranslatorsandbox Translate Filtering translators by language at Special:ManageTranslatorSandbox. (patch)
translate-special-searchtranslations Translate Target language selector on Special:SearchTranslations. (patch)
translate-special-translate Translate Target language selector on Special:Translate. (patch)
translate-special-translationstash Translate Target language selector on Special:TranslationStash. (patch)
twnmainpage-interface-language TwnMainPage Page interface language for the translatewiki main page (patch)
twnmainpage-signup-userlanguage TwnMainPage The language that the user who is signing up is declaring as the language that they know (patch)
compact-language-links UniversalLanguageSelector For the Compact Language Links feature. Useful for understanding which articles are people looking for.
ime-selector UniversalLanguageSelector Selecting the IME in the selector button near the input boxes.
input-settings UniversalLanguageSelector Selecting the language in the Input settings panel.
interface-language UniversalLanguageSelector Selecting the language in the Display settings panel.
upload-wizard-description UploadWizard Language selection for the description field in UploadWizard. (patch)