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Topic on Talk:Outreach programs/Possible projects

"Add your proposal" instruction details from template

Jsalsman (talkcontribs)

The Outreach programs/Application template from last year has these questions. I'm pretty sure that a few of them but not most are covered in the Melange application process, so I'm leaving them here for reference in that I expect we will want student applicants to respond to the full set whether in Melange or in their phabricator tasks:

  • Draft your project creating a new Phabricator task. Try to pick a short, memorable and catchy title which communicates your core idea on how to tackle the issue/project you chose.
  1. Describe the details and timeline of the work you plan to accomplish the project. Include a brief, clear work breakdown structure with milestones and deadlines. Make sure to label deliverables as optional or required. Deliverables should include investigation, coding, deploying, testing and documentation.
  2. Briefly describe your work style: how you plan to communicate progress, where you plan to publish your source code while you're working, how and where you plan to ask for help. Applicants that understand active participation in our development community will be favored.
  3. Please describe your education completed or in progress.
  4. How did you hear about this program?
  5. Will you have any other time commitments, such as school work, another job, planned vacation, etc., during the duration of the program?
  6. We advise all candidates eligible to Google Summer of Code and FOSS Outreach Program for Women to apply for both programs. Are you planning to apply to both programs and, if so, with what organization(s)?
  7. What drives you? What makes you want to make this the best wiki enhancement ever?
  8. Please describe your experience with any other FOSS projects as a user and as a contributor.
  9. Please describe any relevant projects that you have worked on previously and what knowledge you gained from working on them (include links.)
  10. What project(s) are you interested in (these can be in the same or different organizations)?
  11. Do you have any past experience working in open source projects (MediaWiki or otherwise)?
  12. Please add any other relevant information -- UI mockups, references to related projects, a link to your proof of concept code, whatever. There are no specific requirements, but we love to see people who love what they're doing. Show us you're excited about this project and have an interest in the background and are considering how best to make your idea work.
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