I've asked here if is trivial to retrieve the account information from the database instead of hardcoding the usernames and passwords in the LocalSettings.php.
In my computer I've a sort of "offline wikimedia editor". I first edit some pages locally (my connection speed is around 50kbps), then I "push" those edits to the destination wiki. The same accounts I've on the remote wiki (in that case: wikipedia, wikibooks), I've in the local wiki database. I would just need to specify that the information of accounts is inside the local database.
Going further
My access to the Internet comes from a cellphone (used as a modem). The network that I use, here, is called 2G (second generation). I live in Brazil, and if you see the news about Internet access, you will notice that more people is having Internet access. But from which way? Mostly through cellphone. Now think about other countries where rarely you see people with computer... how would be the "access" there? There are places that the poverty are even more present than what we see in the "Brazil"...
To be sincere I found very useful be able to make offline editions with my local mediawiki installation, and I say, that a lot of people around world would say the same. I say it because most still access the Internet with very low bandwith.
Requesting resources
I've noticed that the way we get "resources" from a mediawiki web interface is the problem (I just watched how many "request" it do to just fetch a page, and its a lot...). I known that I could be related to the caching system (sorry, my understanding is too little, I'm just guessing), but there should be another way to do it without compromising the performance from the server side...
You could say "there is a mobile interface". But that interface is very limited. If we talk about who has only access from just a cellphone, then there a problem...
Second: I don't believe that turning JavaScript off is the best solutions in that case, I believe that the system can be optimized.
Thank you, very much. I surely appreciate the MWF, what I'm doing is just suggesting improvements that could affect a lot of "poor" people. :)