As a comparison, I think it's interesting that the main entry point for WordPress developers is which is neither a place for support nor for documentation: it's a set of blogs about what's going on in each of the various areas of development. For example, clicking through to Plugins gets to recent news about things of interest to plugin developers. Although it's worth noting that the top-level link to these blogs is a peer of links to both documentation and forums.
Also, there's DokuWiki's take on docs-and-forums, in which there's a slightly more similar set-up to us here: they have a wiki for documentation, a bug tracker, a forum, etc. and all are linked on every page. They have a bar at the top of every one of their sites (oh, not all actually: GitHub can't do it) linking to "Download, Wiki, Forum, IRC, Bugs, Translate, Git, XRef". I think that helps orient newcomers pretty well, because the same navigation is reinforced all over the place.