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Talk:Wikimedia Apps/Wikipedia

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Sinuhe20 (talkcontribs)

Hello, what is the algorithmus for showing the first image in the app? I see it is almost but not always the first image in the article, but what are the real criterias? Is it also possible to exlude in Wikipedia some images to be shown on front? We have in german Wikipedia an infobox for sites showing a map on first place which is in my eyes not the right front image.

P.S: I'm not understanding why in the article ''Knickpyramide'' the image ''Bent Pyramid Complex.png'' is shown. There are a lot of images coming before...

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Choosing the default page for app

Ozhu (talkcontribs)

One of my biggest gripes about the app is the fact that I need to load the front page onto my phone when I open the app up. In my scenario, I will usually pull up the Wikipedia app to look up some facts to settle a friendly discussion; all of my friends who use the app use it similarly.

Since I never use the app to browse Wikipedia like I do when I'm at home at my desktop computer, there's no use in loading the front page. In fact, it's pretty frustrating when the text I'm typing in the search bar lags, or gets reset as I'm typing my entry, and I'm forced to wait for the front page to load first. It sort of defeats the purpose of having quick access to Wikipedia, since the alternative would be to open up a browser and go to wikipedia.org or flip through Google search entries.

Basically, it would be awesome if users could choose to have their default page be just the search bar, or something similar that would load very quickly.

Qgil-WMF (talkcontribs)

You are encouraged to file this enhancement request at Bugzilla, under "Wikipedia app". See How to report a bug.

When you have filed it please share the URL here. I'm personally interested abpout this idea and I will be happy to follow the progress and comment.

This post was posted by Qgil-WMF, but signed as Qgil.

Ozhu (talkcontribs)

Thanks, Quim. I filed an enhancement request here: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55444

I also voiced my opinion on the WikimediaMobile list. They forwarded me here and mentioned some changes they have been kicking around to get the app's front page to load more quickly and otherwise be more user friendly.

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SuPich (talkcontribs)

I made a mock-up for the new wikipedia application: de:n:Benutzer:SuPich/WP-App-Mockup. It would be great if try to use some of my ideas. If there's a greater update for the mock-up, i'll tell you. Regards,

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