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Talk:Account creation user experience/Testing

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Geraki (talkcontribs)
  1. Clicking on top-right link of wikipedia, goes to the account creation form where there is no link to the login form. It should be the other way around.
  2. In the login form, clicking on "Sign in with secure server" goes back to the old login form.
  3. In the account creation form, there is no link for turning to https.
2601:9:5900:16:4D47:415F:48F9:CF17 (talkcontribs)

1. That's a setting that is not due to the redesign. 2. That's just due to the nature of how we're testing it. You just need to re-add &useNew=1 on the HTTPS login form to see it. When it's enabled by default it won't have this problem. 3. Good point. We didn't think about this, since while the old login form often had a custom message on it to suggest HTTPS, the account creation form never has. We'll try to think about how to incorporate it.

Reply to "Minor things"
Canoe1967 (talkcontribs)
Steven (WMF) (talkcontribs)

That would be tricky. Not all wikis have a request queue for accounts, so this would need to be an enwiki-only customization.

Reply to "IP request"
DanielTom (talkcontribs)

I can translate it into Portuguese if needed.

Steven (WMF) (talkcontribs)


The place to do that is Translatewiki.net, specifically this list.

Reply to "Other languages"
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