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SUL finalisation

From mediawiki.org
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SUL finalisation unified user accounts across all Wikimedia projects.


Originally, Wikimedia wikis operated completely independently from each other, with separate user accounts and passwords for each wiki. CentralAuth was created to let users log in with the same credentials across multiple wikis, but as the wikis operated independently for years there were thousands of clashing accounts, i.e. cases where different people had registered the same name on different wikis. These clashes prevent those affected from logging in with the same name across all wikis.

Project Goal

The goal of the SUL finalisation is to forcibly rename any clashing user accounts so that every single user has their own single unified login across all Wikimedia sites.


Necessary prior code/ops steps

Desirable prior code/ops steps

  • In progress In progress: Write & deploy global user merging so two global users can be merged together
    • What to do when two clashing local instances under the global accounts?
    • Yes Done Deploy UserMerge extension to all wikis
      • Yes Done Update extensions to be compatible - bug 67758
      • Yes Done Fix major bugs in Ex:UserMerge
      • Yes Done Enable UserMerge for all wikis in beta, test
    • Next steps:
      • Legoktm - quash bugs found during testing in beta
      • Yes Done CSteipp - Merge global merge, disabled by config
  • In progress In progress: Write & deploy a tool for local ‘losing’ users to check a proposed new account name (check against clashing global and local users, and also against the global user account name rules) and request it be done.
    • Yes Done bug 68886 Request global account rename from home wiki before forced SUL name change
    • bug 68924 Create special page to manage global rename request queue
    • Depends on Global Rename tool
    • Next steps:
      • Bd808 is working on patches

Project pages

See also