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MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group/Annual Report 2019

From mediawiki.org

Focus Areas


In 2019, we focused mainly on these areas:

  • Continuation and improvement of MediaWiki user experience. We are striving to keep user experience of MediaWiki as consistent and integrated as possible for self-installed MediaWiki instances (see output).
  • Outreach to relevant stakeholders. We have increased our efforts to reach out to MediaWiki maintainers by co-organizing conferences and conference tracks.
  • Exchange of experience among stakeholders, i.e. primarily people running MediaWiki as their platform. This was done in regular online and offline meetings as well as through our online platform at mwstake.org.
  • Professionalisation. We are now an incorporated entity.



Exchange of Experience


Real Life Meetings


These meetings are used to discuss current issues of MediaWiki and of the Stakeholders' group with a wider audience. They are generally open to the public, thus reaching out to potential new members for the group.

Online Meetings

  • 11 regular telcos (Hangouts), all documented. Average attendance: 10 participants. We introduced an informational section called "Wiki Quickie" to point out interesting technologies.
  • Ongoing chat discussions on Riot - Several rooms for different topics. Activity in these rooms has considerably increased compared to last year. This has effectively become a medium for exchange and requests for help.



Real Life


In 2019, we actively participated in various MediaWiki and Open Source conferences, among others with these topics:



Participation in discussions on 3rd party relevant topics

Financials and internals

  • In 2019 we spent 2410$ on incorporation. The money was collected from individual grants by members and a grant by WMF over 2000$.
  • We are incorporated and registered in the US and have filed with the IRS to be recognized as a 501(c)(6) organization.