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From mediawiki.org
Available from version 1.44.0 (Gerrit change 1091387)
Called after a global block is placed or modified on a target. Used only for auditing, so cannot be used to prevent the global block or modify it's parameters before insertion.
Define function:
public static function onGlobalBlockingGlobalBlockAudit( GlobalBlock $globalBlock ) { ... }
Attach hook:
$wgHooks['GlobalBlockingGlobalBlockAudit'][] = 'MyExtensionHooks::onGlobalBlockingGlobalBlockAudit';
Called from:File(s): GlobalBlocking /

For more information about attaching hooks, see Manual:Hooks .
For examples of other extensions using this hook, see Category:GlobalBlockingGlobalBlockAudit extensions.


  • $globalBlock: The global block that was either just created or just modified