User:Darizotas/MediaWiki Backup Script for Windows
Backup in Windows
[edit]Following the example given by the script User:Flominator/Backup MW, I decided to write a new command line script (after doing it, it becomes in two scripts) in order to create backups in Windows, from now on it'll be named Wiki-WinBackup. Wiki-WinBackup creates backups from:
- Database. Where is located most of the critical information. It worths mentioning that MySQL 5.0.x is used as backend. Therefore, the script will use the MySQL Dump command line tool.
- Files. As you will see, the files to be included can be configured easily. By default:
- LocalSettings.php.
- images directory.
- extensions directory.
On top of that, this script will create full XML backups as well.
[edit]The following scripts require to have installed:
- 7-zip in order to create a zip file to ease the maintenance of the backup files.
- PHP in order to run Manual:dumpBackup.php.
Tested in Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server R2, Windows 2000 Advanced Server.
[edit]The Wiki-Backup architecture is based on the following files:
- A #Text file that contains the files and directories to be added in the zip file.
- #Helper script, which is responsible of:
- Creating the MySQL Dump file and create a zip file containing the previous dump file and the given list of files/directories included in the #Text file to add.
- Deleting the obsolete backup files.
- #Main script, which is responsible to create the XML Dump and invoke the #Helper script.
Text file
[edit]The text file will contain the complete path to the files/directories to be added in the backup zip file. One file/directory per line, following the 7-zip file list format. For example,
If you are using a MediaWiki version prior to 1.16, then you might want to add "MediaWiki-Folder\AdminSettings.php". Also uncomment the lines with AdminSettings.php in the batch file.
Where MediaWiki-Folder is your Mediawiki installation folder. Remember the path must be quoted whenever it contains spaces.
Helper script
[edit]As a result of executing this script (let's name it zip-backup.cmd), a numbered zip file is created. Therefore, zip-backup will perform the following tasks:
- Create the MySQL dump file
- Create the zip file with the given contents and the MySQL dump file
- Delete the obsolete files. It is understood by an obsolete file the one which sequence number exceeds the maximum to keep.
Let's see how to use it:
zip-backup output-prefix output-path list-files string-conn [max-allowed]
output-prefix | Prefix of the zip filename. It's recommended not use spaces, if not, it must be quoted. Eg.: mybackup |
output-path | Path where to save the zip file. It must be quoted, whenever contains spaces. Eg.: "C:\Program Files\" |
list-files | Complete path to the filename that contains the files/directories to include in the zip file. This file must followed the 7-zip file list format |
string-conn | String connection with the following format 'schema@user:pass' |
max-allowed | (Optional) Maximum number of backups to keep. |
zip-backup "MyBackup" "C:\My Backups\" "C:\Program Files\ListMyBackup.txt" "schema@user:password" 10
This will create C:\My Backups\ file containing the files/directories given at C:\Program Files\ListMyBackup.txt. And only the last 10 created zip files will be kept. Now, let's see the source code. Just copy it in a text file and rename it to zip-backup.cmd.
:: Creates a zip file from the list file given and from the MySQL dump file.
:: The created zip file will be named with the given preffix and
:: a sequence number. Eg.:
:: <backup>-<sequence_number>.zip
:: This script will also delete those obsolete zip files, that is
:: those which sequence number exceeds the maximum allowed.
:: Copyright (C) 2009 Dario Borreguero
:: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
:: it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
:: the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
:: (at your option) any later version.
:: This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
:: but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
:: GNU General Public License for more details.
:: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
:: along with this program. If not, see <>.
@echo off
echo zip-backup Copyright (C) 2009 Dario Borreguero
echo This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software,
echo and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions;
echo See
echo Starting zip-backup %date% - %time:~0,8%
:: Output preffix
if "%~1"=="" goto :ERR_USE
:: Output path
if "%~2"=="" goto :ERR_USE
:: File list
if "%~3"=="" goto :ERR_USE
:: Database string connection
if "%~4"=="" goto :ERR_USE
:: Maximum allowed
if "%~5"=="" (
set /A old=0
) else (
set /A old=%5
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: 7-zip exists
set z7="C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
if not exist %z7% (
ECHO 7-zip can't be located at %z7%
goto :END
:: mysqldump exists
set mysqldump="C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysqldump.exe"
if not exist %mysqldump% (
ECHO mysqldump can't be located at %mysqldump%
goto :END
echo [%time:~0,8%] Creating dump file...
:: Retrieves user/pass and schema.
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=@" %%F in ("%4") do (
set schema=%%F
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%H in ("%%G") do set usr=-u %%H -p%%I
set options=--verbose --quick --opt -C -e
:: MysQL backup
%mysqldump% %options% %usr% --databases %schema% > "%~2\%1.sql"
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :end
echo [%time:~0,8%] Dump file done
:: Last sequence number.
set /A k=0
for /F "tokens=2 delims=-." %%A IN ('dir /B "%~2\%1-*.zip"') do if %%A gtr !k! set /A k=%%A
set /A k=%k%+1
:: Compressing
echo [%time:~0,8%] Creating zip file...
call %z7% a -tzip "%~2\" @%3 "%~2\%1.sql"
if %errorlevel% neq 0 if %errorlevel% neq 1 goto :END
del /Q /F "%~2\%1.sql"
echo [%time:~0,8%] Zip file done
:: Delete obsolete zip files
if %old% gtr 0 (
echo [%time:~0,8%] Deleting obsolete files...
set /A max=%k%-%old%
for /L %%B in (!max!,-1,1) do (
if exist "%~2\" (
echo Deleting %~2\
del /Q /F "%~2\"
echo [%time:~0,8%] Deletion done
goto :END
echo Usage:
echo zip-backup output-preffix output-path list-files string-conn [max-allowed]
echo output-preffix Preffix of the zip filename. It's recommended not use spaces,
echo if not, it must be quoted. Eg.: mybackup
echo output-path Path where to save the zip file. It must be quoted, whenever
echo contains spaces. Eg.: "C:\Program Files\"
echo list-files Complete path to the filename that contains the
echo files/directories to include in the zip file. This file must
echo followed the 7-zip file list format
echo string-conn String connection with the following format 'schema@user:pass'
echo max-allowed (Optional) Maximum number of backups to keep.
echo Example:
echo zip-backup "MyBackup" "C:\My Backups\" "C:\Program Files\ListMyBackup.txt" 10
echo This will create 'C:\My Backups\' file containing the
echo files/directories given at 'C:\Program Files\ListMyBackup.txt'. And only the
echo last 10 created zip files will be kept.
goto :END
echo End zip-backup %date% - %time:~0,8%
Main script
[edit]The main script (let's name it wiki-backup.cmd) uses #Helper script to create and maintain the backup files. This script is just responsible to create the XML Backup and invoke the previous script. Let's see how to use it:
wiki-backup output-preffix output-path list-files string-conn [max-allowed]
Obviously, the needed parameters are exactly the same than the ones for #Helper script. Said that, let's see the code. As well as for the #Helper script just copy the source code in a text file and rename it as wiki-backup.cmd.
:: Creates a full Mediawiki backup in a zip file.
:: The backup contains:
:: - Files and directories listed in the given file.
:: - XML Dump.
:: - MySQL Dump.
:: This script requires zip-backup.cmd (in the same directory) to create
:: the zip backup file and to deleted the obsoleted backups.
:: Copyright (C) 2009 Dario Borreguero
:: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
:: it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
:: the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
:: (at your option) any later version.
:: This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
:: but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
:: GNU General Public License for more details.
:: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
:: along with this program. If not, see <>.
@echo off
echo wiki-backup Copyright (C) 2009 Dario Borreguero
echo This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software,
echo and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions;
echo See
echo Starting wiki-backup %date% - %time:~0,8%
:: Output preffix
if "%~1"=="" goto :ERR_USE
:: Output path
if "%~2"=="" goto :ERR_USE
:: File list
if "%~3"=="" goto :ERR_USE
:: Database string connection
if "%~4"=="" goto :ERR_USE
:: Maximum allowed
if "%~5"=="" (
set /A old=0
) else (
set /A old=%5
:: PHP exists
set php="C:\PHP\php.exe"
if not exist %php% (
ECHO PHP can't be located at %php%
goto :END
:: DumpBackup exists
set wikiroot="MediaWiki-Folder"
set dump=%wikiroot%\maintenance\dumpBackup.php
if not exist %dump% (
ECHO %dump% file does not exist
goto :END
:: AdminSettings.php exists
::removed_in_MediaWiki_1.16 if not exist %wikiroot%\AdminSettings.php (
::removed_in_MediaWiki_1.16 ECHO AdminSettings.php can't be located at %wikiroot%
::removed_in_MediaWiki_1.16 goto :END
::removed_in_MediaWiki_1.16 )
echo [%time:~0,8%] Creating XML Dump file...
%php% -d error_reporting=E_ERROR %dump% --full > "%~2\%1.xml"
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :END
echo [%time:~0,8%] XML Dump file done!
:: Creates the file list complete
set filelist="%~dp0zip-backup-complete_wiki.txt"
for /F %%a in (%3) do echo %%a >> %filelist%
echo "%~2\%1.xml" >> %filelist%
call zip-backup.cmd %1 %2 %filelist% %4 %old%
del /Q /F %filelist%
del /Q /F "%~2\%1.xml"
goto :END
echo Usage:
echo wiki-backup output-preffix output-path list-files string-conn [max-allowed]
echo output-preffix Preffix of the zip filename. It's recommended not use spaces,
echo if not, it must be quoted. Eg.: mybackup
echo output-path Path where to save the zip file. It must be quoted, whenever
echo contains spaces. Eg.: "C:\Program Files\"
echo list-files Complete path to the filename that contains the
echo files/directories to include in the zip file. This file must
echo followed the 7-zip file list format
echo string-conn String connection with the following format 'schema@user:pass'
echo max-allowed (Optional) Maximum number of backups to keep.
echo Example:
echo wiki-backup "MyBackup" "C:\My Backups\" "C:\Program Files\ListMyBackup.txt" 10
echo This will create 'C:\My Backups\' file containing the
echo files/directories given at 'C:\Program Files\ListMyBackup.txt'. And only the
echo last 10 created zip files will be kept.
echo End wiki-backup %date% - %time:~0,8%
Warning: Please, notice you must set the environment variables wikiroot (see line set wikiroot="MediaWiki-Folder"
in wiki-backup.cmd) and php (see line set php="C:\PHP\php.exe"
in wiki-backup.cmd) to the values correct for your machine.
Automating the backups
[edit]Finally, it's very important to automate the execution of Wiki-WinBackup. This can be accomplished by creating a Windows scheduled task (Start Menu -> Control Panel -> Scheduled tasks).
[edit]Not yet implemented.
If true then where is the value of this back process? â Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk ⢠contribs) 2009-10-15T21:16:42â
- There's always the option to restore manually... 09:43, 5 August 2011 (UTC)
- If you want to backup the content of your Wiki every day, you will know the value. Tony Mach (talk) 11:05, 26 August 2014 (UTC)