Extension talk:Email Link
Add topicDoesnt work with 1.5.1+
[edit]The extension worked perfectly with 1.11, but after upgrading to 1.5.1 it doesnt encode the links properly that have a "." in them. So first.last@blabla.com will get encoded as "first@blabla.com first@blabla.com" (it will show it 2 times and only partially)
[edit]There is a bug in this extension, maybe related to other extensions too. On my installation the email link is surounded by a nowiki xml tag that apears in the rendered page. Also I have extensions like Nuke, SyntaxHilight, AutoLink, StubManager, ExtensionManager. 10:02, 31 January 2008
I have the same error. Getting nowiki tags at the start and end of the email address. I have a cleaner wiki install without any extensions (this is first). 00:50, 13 February 2008 (UTC)
Simply remove the <nowiki></nowiki> tags from the extension code.
email-links inside pre-tag renders mailto-link -- 10:19, 12 February 2009 (UTC)
Automatically encrypt E-Mail addresses
[edit]The following modification will allow this extension to be used in conjunction with Extension:Enkoder and automatically encode plain text e-mail addresses:
<?php // tested with MW 1.11 function addMailLinks(&$parser, &$text, &$strip_state) { $mc = "[A-Za-z0-9._+-]"; $mcs = "[A-Za-z0-9]"; $text = preg_replace( "{(?<![\\[:/])(?<!$mcs)($mcs$mc*@$mcs$mc*\.$mcs{2,})(?!$mc)(?![\\]:/])}", '<enkode>$1</enkode>', $text ); return true; //added for Mediawiki 1.11 } $wgHooks['ParserBeforeStrip'][] = 'addMailLinks'; ?>