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Wikimedia Apps/Commons/Categories

From mediawiki.org



The Android version currently in the store shows an optional categorization screen after the user inputs title/description and starts the upload.

The categorization screen shows recently used categories, and allows typeahead searching of the live category list. Tapping a category in the list selects or unselects it.


  • A large number of selected categories can leave little room for searches
  • There is currently no provision for returning to the categories screen after that first opportunity.

Note that this video is in landscape mode, which makes the keyboard cover more screen area than it normally does in portrait mode.



The iOS version about to go out as beta shows an optional categorization section at the bottom of the details screen where the user inputs a title and description.

The section has an "Add category..." button which opens a screen showing recent categories and a search box. Selecting a category from the list, before or after searching, adds it to the list and returns you to the image detail view. Selecting the category from the detail view shows a screen with a "remove" button and a link to more information about categories. Additionally, category list items have a disclosure arrow -- if pushed this opens the category page in a browser.


  • The categories section is currently hidden when viewing the details page after uploading. Plan is to include it in the same place as it sits on pending uploads.
  • The disclosure button to open the category page in a browser is awkward, may want to remove it and replace it with a link from that detail page.
  • Should a "Read about categories" button be exposed on the main categorization section instead of hidden?
  • Should removal be handled differently?

Note that this video is in landscape mode, which makes the keyboard cover more screen area than it normally does in portrait mode.

Things to consider



  • How much do we want to redo the iOS detail screen? We know we want to pretty up its style, but should we divide things differently?
  • Android starts the upload after asking for title and description, then prompts for categories after. iOS prompts for categories on the same screen as title and description, before the upload.
    • We've considered changing both platforms to start uploading the file immediately, and only finalize/publish the file once the title/description is complete. If we do this do we need an explicit "commit" stage and separate "before" and "after" screens? Or something else?
  • iOS can add post-upload category editing by exposing the existing category section on the image detail page. Android has no place to put this currently. Where should it go?
  • Android combines add/remove as a toggle-tap, while iOS has a single tap-to-add and a separate tap-for-detail-prompting-remove. Should these combine?